Custom Tube-frame Buell Project For Sale/Trade

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Oct 10, 2013
Custom 1999 M2 Cyclone Project:
I absolutely hate to even think about selling this. This is my baby and I have been working on it for about 8 months now. The ONLY reason I am considering selling it is that I am currently a veterinary student, I have class from 8-5 everyday and numerous tests and surgeries every week so I have virtually no time to work on it, and I have 2 more years of school with no real summer break or anything and I do not want to see it sit. A lot of time and money has gone into this project, it pretty must just needs a few more parts and then reassembly.

The bike started it’s life as a 1999 M2 Cyclone with a little over 7k miles on it (not even broken it yet lol), the previous owner was has owned/built Harleys since the 60s and he babied this and it never was ridden in the rain and always garaged so was in excellent shape when I bought it (clean title). The bike ran and drove great, I have a video of the bike idling and running right before disassembly I can send to interested parties. The plan was for a very custom, one of a kind, like new show quality bike. A ton of parts that were perfectly fine in great shape I bought new OEM or custom parts to replace just so that everything would be like new.

What you get/what’s been done:
New Mikuni HSR 42 Racing carb kit, perfectly jetted and tuned- was brand new and installed on bike about 2 months before I tore it down for the build
New Choke cable
New front isolator- still in box
New OEM entire rear brake setup in the box (caliper, bracket, pads, etc.)
New Buell RACE ECM
NEW Buell OEM rear chrome pulley bolts (still in wrapper)
NEW OEM Buell Rear shock (complete unit straight from the dealership including the new upgraded bracket)
Forcewinder intake and filter
New Buell entire wiring harness- Old one was fine but I was building this to be a like new custom bike and wanted everything to look perfect. As I removed the old harness I used blue painters tape and taped each wire of the new harness labeling what it goes to/where to make it super quick to reinstall
Custom one of a kind Billet machined shifter setup, this is a similar setup to the bankes engineering design. Shifts like butter compared to the stock setup and looks awesome
Custom one of a kind Ducati Monster seat- made out of extremely durable and water proof suede/carbon fiber material, this was all done for me by HT Moto at their shop exactly how I wanted it. It turned out so good they used it as a promo image for their custom seat work. Truly incredible work
Custom Billet Front Motor Mount
Custom Billet front and rear passenger traction footpegs, super nice
FRAME: the subframe was shortened 6”, my buddy who is a professional fabricator/machinist custom built a CNC rear plate designed for the taillight and to align perfectly with the Ducati seat, holes for the wires and mounting bolts were machined in and welded on, I removed the steering lock (its pointless and notorious for leaking water into head bearings) and has it welded up and ground perfectly flush, I cut off the mounts for the electronics on the right side lower rail of the subframe where they are mounted for the factory (factory tail hides them, they were exposed with the ducati seat) and spent hours slowly dremeling and sanding them until it is 100% flush and looks like it came from the factory that way (cleans the rear end up a ton and looks awesome), he also welded in a plate in the center, this is where the electronics (ECM/relays) now will mount 100% hidden under the seat. The frame was then shipped out to be custom powder coated by one of the best in Candy Apple Red (seems to change color with the light from lighter to darker red and has a metallic/anodizied look to it, pictures do NO justice for how awesome it came out).
SWINGARM: I spent about 3 hours slowly grinding and sanding down all of the brackets on the top of the swingarm where the factory hugger mounted (looks much better without it), the brackets for the brake lines were left. It was then also sent out to the same powdercoater and powder coated in matte black.
New style/upgraded front exhaust hanger
New intake manifold and exhaust gaskets (already installed)
GSXR 750 Front end: SHOWA forks (same ones as used on the XBs), triple trees, axle, front fender, brake master cylinder, both calipers, stainless steel brake lines- used in excellent like new condition; was swapping to these for the newer USD forks with dual front brakes and radial calipers, this is the newer style GSXR front end with the better brake setup (huge upgrade)
Vance and Hines SS2R exhaust
New LED smoke tail light with integrated turn signals, has a comuter so you can choose various turn signals settings (flash, slow, blink, etc.)- high end tail light not a cheapo
New LED front turn signals (small black with smoke lenses)
HID headlight kit with ignitor, bulb, harness, etc.
Custom Stenzel bar (engine brace that mounts under the tank out of view, decreases vibes and supports the motor better)
LED Turn signal relay
All factory recalls have been performed.
ALL the other factory parts (not going to list every part of the bike out because that’s just silly)
Buell factory service manual

GSXR front wheel and rotors (they are 3 spoke and look virtually identical to the Buell front wheel, plus with dual rotors you cant even really see the front wheel. You can used Buell front wheel just have to make adaptors for the brakes to align, somewhere I saw someone that sells these but its been a few months). I have a front tire already that comes with it
Headlight of choice (was thinking VROD headlight or MT-03)
Handlebars of choice (was thinking clip ons)
Steering head bearings and swingarm bearings (removed the old ones before powdercoating)
Rear isolators
Various other small odds and ends, everything else is all there.

Left to do:
Paint body work, (I was going to plasti dip matte black until I had some funds freed up and ship it off to a custom painter in LA for a one of a kind job)
Have a steering stem machined for the triple trees (GSXR stem is different diameter than M2 stem, local machinist quoted me around $120 to make it and press it into the trees for me), OR I have a link to a guy that builds INCREDIBLE custom triple trees and does a ton of them for Buells with GSXR fork conversions, they are $400 but one of a kind and top notch (this is what I was going to do).

I am sure there are quite a few things I am missing, but this is what I can think of off the top of my head. Oh and I have TONS of pictures I took during disassembly that will come with it it (via email or flash drive) to make it much easier to reassemble so you can see where everything goes as well as the wiring harness pre labeled with painters tape).

I am open to offers on it, I am eager to sell it, I just know if I don’t it’s going to be sitting for a long time as I have zero time to work on it in the near future. I’m also open to trades on whatever (bikes, guns, cars, whatever).

Picture before the teardown:
Just a few pictures of her now for teasers (I can take plenty more and have a bunch from during teardown, pre powder coat, etc. and will email to interested parties, as well as video of it running bight before teardown), and yes I keep every single part of it inside my house lol (except the motor is in the garage).
Already gotten a bunch of PMs asking for a price, I know what I paid for the bike ($3k) and I know what I have invested in all of the new parts, custom parts, and custom work. I am not expecting anywhere near that since the bike still needs to be reassembled/finished. As far as price, MAKE ME AN OFFER, the worst I can do is say no.

Email- [email protected], Phone: 601-540-7492

I am located in North Mississippi just south of Memphis. I enjoy roadtrips and I have no problem at all meeting a buyer half way or even delivering wherever (if the price is right) or crating it up to be shipped (buyer responsible for finding a shipper).

And NO I will not part it out unless I have someone who wants the big parts like the motor/swingarm and frame/seat. Then I would sell everything else individually after.

Lots of interest but still available, a couple common questions I have gotten and answers:

YES I will sell without the GSXR front end or without the rear wheel for those that want to swap on XB forks/wheels instead. I have no problem with that.

Had a few guys interested in the motor to swap into their bikes since it's got such low mileage, make me an offer on it. Not going to sell it for a low ball price as I would rather sell everything together and the motor runs perfectly, looks like new, and only has 7k miles on it.

I repeat I will not sell any of the custom shifter, or HSR42 carb, or tank, or tail light or anything like that unless the big parts of the bike have been sold first so please no more messages about them unless you want to make an offer I can't refuse then I'll consider it.

601- five four zero-7492