is typhon swiss for typhoon? seems to fit in with the "bad weather" names of the other bikes from previous Buell Years, i.e. Firebolt, lightening, cyclone etc.
it maybe , but...if you look at the names from Buell it all really comes from
Greek Mythology .
the thunderbolt, lightning, thunderstorm & such are from Zeus's Arsenal of Power
see lakota's post on Typhon(aka Typhoeus) in the
1190-Typhon- thread
from a previuos post of mine..
little info on Greek mytholgy of the Pegasus..
(short version)
Pegasus is a mighty winged horse of Greek myth. According to legend, Pegasus sprang forth from drops of blood when Perseus cut off the head of Medusa. The horsemaster Bellerophon tamed Pegasus with a golden bridle provided by the goddess Athena. Together horse and rider slew the fire-breathing monster Chimera. (Legends vary, but some say Pegasus and Bellerophon performed other heroic deeds together.) Finally, Bellerophon tried to fly to heaven to join the gods, but Pegasus threw him off and the two were separated forever, with Pegasus living on as a constellation of stars ...
PEGASUS Gender: Masculine
From the Greek Πηγασος (Pegasos), possibly either from πηγος (pegos) "STRONG" or πηγαιος (pegaios) "from a water spring".
as above pegasus (buell) living on, and from the cut off the head of medusa, wow how so fimiliar that sounds , except they(HD) cut their own head off kinda of sorta ..