D/FW Buell XB9R Firebolt needing a TPS reset.. Anyone in the area?? High RPM Bog woes

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Nov 26, 2011
Heyyy! I have a 2003 Buell XB9R just picked up a few weeks ago. The previous owner installed a Jardine muffler and K&N filter. No modifications to the ECM. Since Ive had the Firebolt it has had an intermitent problem in 3rd & 4th gear under higher RPM with stalling on the Freeway when it stays around the same load. It just bogs down and cuts out when I punch occasionally. Actually seems to be getting worse.Ive already done the extra ground to coil wire thinking it may be a poor ground. After doing some research on here it seems that a TPS reset has cured many similar problems to what Im seeing. Anyone local with a ECMSpy Cable that may be able to help out?? Thanks!
I fear you are running WAY to LEAN with a K&N and Jardine without any tunning. Our Ecm's will drop a Cyl in an effort to cool the motor when it starts to run too hot and running super lean ='s tons of heat. Is your check engine light on or flashing? If so pulling the codes will give you a good starting point as to whats going on.
Thats whats odd.. Its not throwing any engine codes. It has a TON of deceleration pop tho so Im def thinkin its runnin lean.
I have a xb9r that I bought in feb. had gutted exhaust and ai box delete and I also had a TON of decel POP . I fashed race map to my stock ecm and fixed everything now its running great . So I would recommend trying that if you can find someone with a copy of ecm spy local .
What area are you in ? I can facilitate that for you? I'm in Keller. Check if you're throwing any trouble codes etc. Should go ahead and change your plugs as well just to be safe since they are pretty cheap
GOduc.. Great! Im in the North Dallas/Garland area. The bikes not throwing any codes and first thing I did when I got the bike was change the plugs!! Shoot me an email and Ill give you my info! Thanksssss
[email protected]