Dammit,battery is dying and now lights are fluxing..lol

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2012
Heard of so many others having this problem,guess now with 19k plus miles it was bound to happen. Hoping it makes it home in 4 hours once I get off work.
I had noticed it running kinda under the weather a few days ago and thought nothing of it. Then leaving for work 2 nights ago the fuel pump sounded weak and I needed a jump the next morning ...blamed it on my kids for dicking with the bike while I slept lol. So I put my tender on and seemed ok,then tonight on way in I was cruising just over 4000 rpm and started to.see the display and head lights dimming . Anyone off the top of there head know where it is...before I go digging through the 150 best links lol. On my phone so kinda a pain but doable since were slow. Any and all help appreciated in advance.

voltage regulator; actually voltage regulator connections probably. my guess. happened to me too. 08+ have the upgraded reg connectors. fairly easy fix.

-find a H-D shop that has one (or can order one)
-find a used one (salvage, buellster, uneedapart)
-replace the flat tabs with the new round pin set-up (tear apart the plug connector;replace)

i'd check the main-fuse; other fuses; relays too because it could have burnt some up already

it fried my fuel pump wires when mine went out

Yeah I was guessing it was the 77 deal. After I wake up I may look into it. If it is looking crappy I most likely will delete the connector and go hard wire. I aint scared lol.
I got my connector from American Sport Bike. I ended up getting the two recommended crimpers off Amazon. I think the directions that came with the connector tell you which ones. I think the crimpers are also listed in the shop manual under tools but I don't think the manual says anything about the connector. You can do the crimps without the special crimpers but it was easier with them and the crimps are nice and tight. Plus I never miss an opportunity to buy a new tool even if if I only use it once!
Yeah true Mustang, I miss my tools in general, a large portion of the good stuff was stolen from me in Colo Springs a few months ago. Makes working on your own bikes and vehicles a pain with improper toolage.
Well I deleted the 77 connector and spliced it in. Smelled if burnt/hot electrical down by the connectors before but saw no evidence,figured better safe than sorry . While I was there I disconnected and contact cleaned everything. Added new plug wires and as of this morning seemed to run just fine. Hard to tell until its darker.