Dash lighting

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Mar 6, 2015
Kolache Factory
OK, I'm sure I'm not the one who discovered this, but I stumbled on it by accident... and its kind of cool.

So I bought one of those speedo overlays from xbdashboards.com. Nice guy and a good looking product. Then I decided to run LED lights to change up the color. The idea was blue lighting on the the blacked out overlay. Well, as it turned out, the LED's created hot spots that was really bugging me. So, I swapped back to the stock overlay and was pleasantly surprised....

The gauges now light up with a neon green color (with blue LED's). Its gets even more interesting that the white needle has a blue-ish tint, and you can see blue light peeking out from the outside of the the overlay. I read that someone commented that the LED display was hard to read with the blue. That is true, but with this combo, it made the LED display easy to read again.

OK, so there's my perk of the day. Hope you're all having a good one.
Push the little button that looks like a picture.........................................^^^..............about there.

Then you can select from computer or URL.
On your computer, push that and "choose" the pic from wherever it is on your computer. Then push "upload"
from a URL (photobucket type place) go to that site and copy the whole code that starts {IMG} and ends {/IMG}
Once you do that you need to push "upload" in the little box below the IMG. Then.... WAIT! don't push it again. The {attach} will show up on your reply screen. put it wherever you want.

You can also copy any .jpg or .png type of file from a website and paste it in your reply as long as you put {IMG} at the front and {/IMG} at the end.

FYI. I can't select more than one pic to upload at a time, and I can't rotate them when they load sideways either. So thats the limit of my BuellXB.com pic knowledge.

All the braces "{" and "}" should be brackets "[" and "]".

Hope that was confusing:angel:
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Here's my orange LED's, hot spots suck but whatever...

As far as posting pics goes, you can upload it to Photobucket, then click the share button, then select copy to clipboard, then choose the IMG option, then paste the link into your post.

To be slightly on topic here is my stock dash with white LEDs.
I like that do you remember the bulb number off hand. Thanks

I ordered the white ones too, you can use my order info to see what all they have.


---------- PRODUCT INFORMATION ----------

Qty | Product / Options | Price/ea |
3 | NEOx-xHP: NEOx LED Bulb - High Power Instrument Panel LED| $ 2.29 |
NEO3-WHP: 3mm NEO3-xHP Cool White

When swapping the bulbs you don't need to disassemble the whole dash from the front, there is access to just the bulbs from the rear IIRC.
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Here is mine again from straight on.


I plan on going back in one more time and putting a tinted filter over the area above the lamps and over the voltmeter. They're a bit "loud" at night.

Remember this effect was from BLUE LEDs not white.
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