Decisions Decisions.....

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teh Nub

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
A friend of mine that is an auto dealer picked up an 06' CBR1000RR last week that he is currently selling. I parked my XB12Ss in his garage yesterday and took it home with me. I have ridden another 1000rr a few years ago, right after I sold my CBR600F4, but the power of this bike is amazing. I'm probably not going to give up the Buell for it, but man it sure is tempting...




With the exception of the Buell, every street bike, dirt bike, 4 wheeler, etc I've owned has been a Honda and the claimed 178 horse power puts a big ole smile on my face when I rotate my wrist. The temptation mostly comes from the high expectations of the buell being faster than it ended up being.
I do agree the Buell doesnt have the top end, I do kinda miss that from my old yamaha. But im honestly glad I cant go 160+mph anymore. Iv only pushed my Buell to 130+ a handfull of times and never consistantly.
I'm sure its nice. But those supersport bikes just don't do anything for me anymore. At lease not for street use. Just another crotch rocket imo. Been there, done that. each their own.
I enjoy the buell because it's different than anything else.. I'm just having a moment here.... Must be this weekends motoGP race that I'll be attending or the FASTER DVD's I've been watching this week...;)
Well, in the end, you'll ride the bike and only you. If you're done with Buell take the Honda. All i'm saying, no people in the world could decide what is best for you. While you're at it, why don't you try the new RC8? That might be like getting something from both worlds.
there are a millions jap bikes on the road.there a dime a dozan.but how many buells you see out there somthin to think about.p.s.any inline four. liter bike halls azz and is fun to ride. yee haw!
Go to a CBR site and see how much you get hated on for having a buell. Now if the situation was reversed, you had the cbr and he the buell, what if you posted that on a cbr site? You would get hated on pretty bad...

Now here at you're not really getting hated on like that...

I love my buell and the "fringe" benefits...