Denso Iridium spark plugs

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Nov 3, 2011
So i am happy with my NGK Iridium plugs but did/does anyone run with the Denso iridiums? they do 2 versions, Tough and Performance and was just curious for the next plug change what people think?
Never used Denso's, only the NGK Iridiums, the PO never changed them and they were the originals plugs when I acquired the Uly.
How much are the Denso's? if they are cheaper I might switch in another 10K miles? Mine I am cheap...
In the UK they both cost about the same but they say the Denso "performance" ones are better than the NGK`s although dont last as long as the Denso "tough" which give about the same power for longer but i cant see how that works! Just wondering as i dont know of anyone running Denso and we may be missing out! lol
I used Denso’s in my old Beemer. Denso’s have a finer wire and in theory a hotter spark. I felt that they were superior to the NGK plugs.

That said, for whatever reason I’ve only used NGK’s in the Buell’s with absolutely no problems. For me, if it works and isn’t broken don’t fix it.

Iridium plugs are spendy. I don’t think ND’s will be any cheaper than NGK’s.
mmcn49 i agree with the if it isnt broken dont fix it but i think curiosity is getting to me so next plug change i will try the Denso`s just to find out if they are any better i guess, thanks for the input :up:
Tone – I believe that ND’s have fewer heat range choices than NGK. Verify that you’re purchasing the correct plugs and you shouldn’t have any issues.

Older vehicles/bikes like my Beemer usually benefit greatly from a hotter, higher energy spark, (high output coils and iridium plugs). Carburetor fueling is less precise, centrifugal and vacuum spark advance less exact. Jets, needles and advance are kind of a compromise average.

Newer vehicles/bikes have ECM’s with fuel and timing maps, fuel injectors plus an array of sensors controlling everything. A tuned ECM will deliver the correct, precise amount of fuel and fire the plug with the right amount of advance. Increasing spark energy has less of an effect on these vehicles.

After installing the NGK iridium’s both Buell’s ran a little better but nothing like the improvement I saw on the Beemer. I think the biggest plus is that iridium electrodes last a lot longer over stock plugs. The ND iridium plugs I’m familiar with have a finer electrode than the NGK’s. If so their electrode will erode at a faster pace than the NGK’s.

Another thing you should consider is replacing the stock carbon suppression wires with a high quality spiral wound suppression wire. If I remember correctly stock wires come with about 10K Ohm’s of resistance. With use the carbon breaks down and resistance slowly increases. Higher resistance and slightly eroded electrodes equals a bike that is not quite as “Crisp” as it should be. Spiral wires do not break down, last indefinitely and have a lower resistance.
Thanks mmcn49 for all the info! the Ngk iridiums i am running were a really big improvement over the stock plugs so i wont be expecting a massive difference when fitting the Denso`s but would like to see if its just a little bit more of a good thing and i agree with checking i have the correct ones, i have ordered the IXU27`s which i understand are a direct replacement of the Ngk "9"`s and the IXU24`s are a direct replacement for the Ngk "8"`s (which i didnt order) Thanks for sharing your input its much appreciated! Oh yes and i have the ironmachine plug leads fitted and they are awesome too! :up:
So did you put the Denso plugs? I was running a Denso racing plug on a Blast and made a difference on that bike. I now have another Blast as well and put an NGK iridium and I didn't notice a difference to be honest. On my XB I just installed brand new 10R12s so I'm good for a while...
Hi xb9 i have got the Denso`s now but not fitted them yet i will get round to it soon! The electrodes look a bit more fine and sharp than the Ngk`s so it will be interesting to see if they make an improvement or not! Now i just have to get off my lazy arse and do it! lol