Did anyone get some Cool Xmas gifts???

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My boss gave me a $150.00 card for Lowes. Thats something I can use.-- And two George Foreman grills that I'll probably never touch again. I know, its the thought that counts, gonna look for receipts right now.
D adams, I was bidding on one of those banners on ebay! Lol

Today I scored a gopro 1080 camera, lotsa family guy and mustang memorabilia, a turkey fryer, small air compressor for my camper, baby weber grille, some hoodies and shirts and misc other things. Made out like a bandit
I got an awesome super-beautiful Arai RX-Q helmet from pyrat!!! :D


If you're searching BUELLXB.COM, you'll find a picture of me posing with the actual helmet. ;)
got some asv shortys,carbon huger, bar end blinkers,right side air scoop and a sick ass back massager from brookstone!
stang65pony -- I saw it maybe a week or 2 ago, I forget when it was, but my wife saw me looking and I musta said something to the effect of "Man, that would look f*&^ing cool in the garage, I wonder how big it really is?" and then moved on to another website. I figured it was too close to xmas to even ask, so I promptly forgot about it. I think she said it went for about $75 or so, she would have paid twice that to make sure she got it for me.

Got a better pic of it later today.

Yeah I stopped at 60. Its cool but I picked up a less cool crate cover earlier this month. I'll make that a banner lol. Congrats! Take some pics of your big bike infront of it lol
I've got a fantastic wife, two great cats, a roof over my head, two motorcycles and a full refridgerator. Christmas comes 365 days a year for me. Thank you God for blessing me a million ways.
5 drawer tool chest and an inspection camera so I can look for shorts and other problems in tight spaces without stripping all the plastics and airbox covers etc. off the bike...
I ordered an EBR gas cap and got in a wavy front rotor a nifty street fighter sign and my mom got me a sweet food proccessor (I like to cook a lot)
Hah, I was going to do the same thing with the crate cover! I figured I'd wait until after xmas, then order one of those and the ratchet straps. $15 + shipping, I'm good to go. Guess I got lucky with what I got.
I've got a fantastic wife, two great cats, a roof over my head, two motorcycles and a full refridgerator. Christmas comes 365 days a year for me. Thank you God for blessing me a million ways.

best post of this thread in my humble opinion
+1 for getting it

pay it forward, do random acts of kindness for strangers, whoever your God may be knows there is not enough of that in the world

I got 2 pairs of LED turn signals, an integrated tail light, an ilmberger gas cap from EBR, a new set of black atv bars (I like being more upright), some new grips and I may buy myslef some new pegs!
I got a Hawk exhaust for X-mas this year. Got it on the 20th but wasnt allowed to open it until x-mas morning
I got a Die-Hard battery tender to keep my battery happy when its 18 out side like today. Now I need one more for the wife's bike.

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