die-cast Aluminum fender eliminator $145 in the US FINALLY!

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Got one on my 9. Great fit and quality. Tom at diesel-moto is also great to work with. 443-758-3159.[up][up]
Is there any wire cutting and soldering involved in installing this piece, or do the turn signal wires unplug from the turn signal?
Does anyone know if this will fit the Ss?

I would think that there similar, but dunno.
Does anyone know if you can get one of these without the holes for turn signals? I have a tail light integrated signals. Just someone might know before I contact them.
dieslmoto is selling them on ebay too. $169.95 black w/license plate bkacket. and yes they are located in maryland. thanks techmagic![up]
their website is legit. Not a lot on it, but very nicely done and laid out. I would definitely purchase from them.
yup I found them first on ebay, but cheaper from the site I think, and yea, really nice site! I don't know if they cast in the holes or machine them after casting, but you may call and ask about one without.