So I bought a used '06 Ulysses at had a Jardine exhaust on it. I don't think any new "mapping" or modifications were done to adjust for the new exhaust. As it is now it pops and bangs on deceleration especially going downhill. There is a semi local motorcycle Dino-tune expert that comes in town once or twice a year that can do a tune but I can not for the life of me find a plug to tap into the ECU to make any changes. I do know that the Harley V-twins do run a different program to tune them but I'm wondering if the 06 is able to be tuned if I can't find a plug.
Anyone know where or if it has one? ( pictures would help!). On my speed triple it was very easy to find right next to the ECU under the seat but I've looked everywhere on the Uly and no luck.
Anyone know where or if it has one? ( pictures would help!). On my speed triple it was very easy to find right next to the ECU under the seat but I've looked everywhere on the Uly and no luck.