Does anyone think the price for a Buell will go up?

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all the bikes that were produced are still together...?

How would you know hoe many have been destroyed either then? May still be more than 100,000.

Just people like you making it into an argument. By his post I would assume he meant less than 10000 buells ever made because he didn't say otherwise
Netty clearly it was a joke and that's how I used it I would love to beleive I could sell my bike for $6000. I thought it was funny and passing on the idea. Now that being said I don't realy care who thinks my bike is worth what! I wouldn't sell it for 6 I just love my bike. In order to sell it I'd have to replace it and mod it and spend over  6 so I'll keep it. Maybe it will be worth more when I sell , I'll keep my fingers crossed but in the meen time I'll just enjoy the he'll outa it.

I'm right there with you brotha! [up]
There are Aprox 100,000 Buells left now. There were a lot more made close to 137,000. There were 40,000 Blasts alone plus you have to add all the Tubers, but take in to consideration all the totaled out/ parted out bikes and custom modifications that eliminate bikes also because they are nolonger. There have been a lot of Buells taken out of service for racing and destroyed in the process. There were thousands of Tubers that are gone you dont see them any more hardly. I have taken in consideration all the factors in the equation.
They only made 136,923 Buells total, from 1983 to 2010.

Does anybody read before they post? This is the exact number of Buells made.

Production numbers:
1125R - 5836
1125CR - 3099
1125RR - 3"

Just to clarify, 1125R - 5836 2008-2010
1125CR- 3099 2009-2010
1125RR- 3 2010

Their is one CG I would like to own and I think it will be very collectable at one point and time.
some bikes hold value most dont, your buell will probley hold what its worth but the sv will keep droping until its worthless.
the other thing is buells are different and they do not get dated or old like asian bikes do every year.
I think they will be collectable in the next 10+ years unless someone comes out with a new amarican sportbike and mass produces it for a reasonable price...but we do not seem to be able to do that in this county for some reason.
if your buying a buell to have a colletors item,buy a rare one,leave it stock ,buy but leave all ebr race parts in their packages,do not put milage on it,have buell sign it and see what its worth if we are still here in 10-30 years.
Thanks guys for all the info. You have helped me make my mind up. I am keeping my Buell. To go down in CC plus the SV will drop in price fairly quick compared to my XB9. Another plus is also all the looks I get & everyone telling me "hey man, nice bike". All the years I owned my 02 R6 I never once was told that. Im not one for attension but the Buell definetly turns heads. Oh yeah... I have had 3 times the chicks ask to give them a ride since I got my Buell :) wife hates it but It sure makes me smile.
sv will keep droping until its worthless.

I wouldn't say that. A nice, well maintained ready to ride motorcycle is always worth a chunk of cash, Japanese or American.

Buell took a price dump during the fire sale and has been stable's gradually depreciate just like everything else, taking mileage and condition into account.

SV's are actually highly sought after by enthusiasts just like Buell.
SV's are actually highly sought after by enthusiasts just like Buell.
This is true, I get plenty of requests for SV's. I can also sell Bandits pretty quick. Never liked the look of the SV but they ride really nice.
This is the SV650s the guy wants to trade for.

WTH? What is this picture of? Why did they just trash these bikes?

I think if you were contemplating on getting rid of the Buell, now is the perfect chance. You'll never get another offer like that. The guy obviously has Buell fever and you could take advantage of it if you'd like. The sv's look really nice with the full fairings that you can pick up fairly cheap (<$500). They're not as powerful, but have nice throaty v-twins with low grunt that doesn't scare you half to death 1k rpm before redline. Longer wheelbase (stable) and GSXR parts work with them fairly easily as well.

I'm actually looking for an xb9r at the moment and the only way these people can get rid of them is pricing well below KBB value, otherwise they sit...and sit....and sit. It's a buyer's market :)
Nobody has written on here in a while and is the reason I am writting now. In just over two years since the last post, Harley has been obsoleting Buell parts left and right and Erik Buell's no compete is over and has begun producing bikes again. I personally own a 97 Thunderbolt s3, a beautiful tuber if I do say so myself, and I bought it with under 7k miles. No ****. And I felt like I robbed the dude, it wasnt even a week and I was being offered 1500 more than I paid. I will not over-customize it, besides the obligatory muffler swap, reverse clutch shifter replacement, shield relpacement, air cover repacement of course, and maybe a seat. I feel I could sell this easily for 6k now plus. Everybody, including hardcore Harley guys as well as hardcore Ducati guys love it. You close your eyes and it sounds like a Harley, you open them, and the tube frame and sleek style remind people of a Ducati or a Guzzi. I am here to tell all of you naysayers, yes, these bikes, especially the tube frames, will and are going up in value. So glad I found mine when I did.