Don't want to sell her...HELP!

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You've got extreme 'bluing' almost all the way down to the collector. That thing is running HOT. After installing my pipe and K&N my 08 began to run really hot and crappy in traffic. I stopped riding it for a week and ordered up a EBR ECM and iridium plugs. I know, I know ECM cable, ECMSpy, etc.. I didn't have the time to jack with all that. The new ECM worked perfectly! No more excessive lean-popping on decel, runs way cooler and the fan actually comes on while riding and in traffic where it wasn't before. A non-programmable ECM from EBR is going to run you north of $300. Personally, it was worth every penny.
Has anybody mentioned that your Hubby only wants you to sell cause he is jealous of your bike... Dumb harley boys will get that way. If he has to tell his friends that the wife rides something more bad ass than his bike... the condition gets worse...

Dont listen to him... If I was able to ride year round in the Mojave desert for a few years D.C. should be fine, make the small investment, get it sorted out and it will be fine.

In my opinion there is no larger money pit than a H-D not with breakdowns but with stupid overpriced accessories, that are priced three times the value due to the stupid H-D name on it.
Just tell him no sex...that'll tune him up!
I hope that doesn't "backfire" on her. You know Harley guys love their rides more than their b%^ches (no offense, I'm pretty sure that's how Harley guys talk :p)
^^this is just too funny^^

Riding an XB she will have no problem replacing him.

I would tell him we could always sell your boat anchor(H-D) to fund my money pit. See how he likes that
Never understand why people freak about blue pipes and call it lean as if it's a bad thing.

Steel turns blue/plum at a certain temperature, big whoop. That's normal.

There's a continuum to understand: too rich will foul, rich can run, good is good, a little lean is fast, too lean will put a hole in your piston well within the time frame you're talking about in the original post.

I think themelvster6's riding advice is good, ignore his marriage counselling.
Lean mixtures and rich mixtures have lower combustion temperatures than stoichiometric. A lean mixture has a slower burn rate but you can run engines very lean all day long with advanced spark timing. This is actually a way to increase efficiency. Just pointing this out because simply saying lean means hot is wrong. There are many more variables which control the temperature of the cylinder walls. This could be a lean condition, my guess is a bad o2 sensor.
Hello and welcome to the Forum. The Buell you have is a good bike. The Bluing is not always normal but in your case the [Small Things First]! A 2010 XB Fan Run Program will help you with the Hotness of your Machine.There were and are problems with [all] Harley Davidson Vehicles(Bikes) Overheating issues are still plauging the big V-Twins,just take a look at a few of the bigger bikes at the Dealers you will see a small scoop of sorts on the right rear Cylinder on some Models. EPA rules our lives! Still there is no fan on the Bigger V-Twins cause Harley is Cheap nowdays and lets the Customer pay for something that should be already be on the Engine. Anyways, so Harley had the ECM preprogramed to Shut down the Rear Cylinder pumping air in it to Compensate for the heat problems till it cooled off. The Buell will do it also but not as Quickly because it is preprogramed differently and has a Fan where it can do the most good. The 2010/XB Fan Run Program is also called 2010/XBfan Runtime Reflashing program.
The Newer Buells 08+ were having the New Reflashing done Free at the Dealers if you bought the Bike New or used from them the Warranty Department controlled that .
Check with your Dealer and talk with your Service Manager to see if they are Buell Friendly.
Some Dealers Are not Buell Friendly and you will need to Research that. BE Polite but firm. You will have to pay for the Reflashing for the Cooler Temperatures but well worth it.
It should only Take a Good Mechanic/ A BUELL TECH that is, to ReFlash the ECM(Brain) of your bike with the Reflash an Hour and MAYBE a half to do the Reflashing very simple to do. All that will do is Change the Way the Fan works .
The Reflash will use the Fan Properly and will help with the Heat Issues, the Dealer was Correcting this Problem back in 2008 through 2011. IF you bought the Bike Used from a Dealer then they Should Correct the Problem for Free, [not sure] because I don't know if the ECM is Stock or Other or if you bought the bike at a Dealer or other.
A STOCK ECM is Able to be ReFlashed by the Dealer. The Data port Plug down under the Fairing, Left Side is [all they will need] to plug into for the UpDated Fan program.
The Ulysses Comfort Kit is a Good Option for Helping to keep your Bike Cooled off and really helps the Engines Rear Cylinder stay cool.
I Realize you are new to bikes so please take your time and see about the Proper Reflashing Program.
Should your Local Dealer not be able to help you with that OR very Far Away then let Erik Buell Racing .com Help you with that.
His Staff is good on Customer Service. HE WILL NOT touch the STock ECM. You would need to BUY an New ECM from his company. It would give you a little more horse power if you did use Erik Buell especially if you changed your Air Filter to a Mesh Filter(K&N Brand)and reworked the Exhaust Muffler to a Econo Drummer from KD
Do Not change the inner Housing of the Air Filter housing just the Air Filter itself. you will never need another Air Filter just blow it out from the inside with some air.
Check with your Dealer if one is close by. Hope this helps. BTW- the Buell Firebolt/ and Lightning is by far the Easiest handling bikes in the XB line with good TorQue.
The Buells are not about the Top Speed but about Good Handling and Dependability, many Harley Guys don't like them cause the Bike has more power that they have to invest money into their bikes to bring it up to what they desire that the Buell Already is right off the Showroom Floor!Not to mention the the Weight savings. SO that said once you [upgrade a couple of areas] on the Buell the Bike is really a good investment. with decient Maintenance will last a long time.
IF you change your own [Oils] and Transmission Fluids then use Amsoil 20/50 OR 20/60 OR Screaming Eagle 20/50 in the Engine and the Transmission and don't overtighten the Drain plugs just snug them, and Welcome to the American Sportbike Forum.Check out Erik Buell Racing .com and see his new Line of Bikes that will be here in a few years One is Already here and SHE is Made IN the USA. Ride Safe. *Jimi
First of all welcome to the club.I have a 08 Lightning, same motor as yours.I run a Drumer SS pipe, KN filter,NGK iridium plugs with a EBR ecm.The ecm has a different fan program than stock, with along with the tune make it run great no mater what the weather.If you are good with computers one of the forum members teaches tuning.Also a oil dipstick with temp gauge from ASB will tell if you are running to hot.Hope this helps and you are not overwelmed with all the information.Buy the way Hubby is just jealous that your bike has twice the power of his with less weight and can stop and turn better.
Hey angel,

What you say about lean is true - to a point. Before you get to the extreme lean condition you are referring to, which puts a hole in your piston within 10 minutes, there is a continuum of lean conditions which cause the engine to run increasingly hotter than desirable, or optimum. The excessive heat produced by these conditions will damage an engine by causing accelerated oil breakdown and wear to valves, valve seats & guides, piston rings and cylinder walls, not to mention bearings.

A little bluing of the header pipes is normal, maybe a couple of inches down from the port. Bluing almost all the way to the collector is not normal and indicates way too much heat content in the exhaust gases.

A lean condition like this can be caused by an ECM that is not tuned to the breathing characteristics of that particular engine, and/or it can be caused by intake leaks.

Jessica is right to be concerned about the excessive heat her bike is producing and should check all the things already mentioned as well as check for intake leaks from leaky gaskets or a vacuum port which got uncapped by mistake or accident. The EBR ECM is a good idea anyway, but may not be the complete solution if there are intake leaks.

An air/fuel ratio of 14.7 is optimum, a very little richer for optimum power under racing conditions, but never leaner than stock - which is already too lean IMO.

That is a beautiful bike Jessica and well worth a little time and money to get it running right. Once you do it will be a fun and reliable ride.

Good luck
Oldgeezer, continuum, now there's a word most Americans do not like or use.

Totally agree with what you're saying.

My point is that the length of running time she has been referring to indicates that the engine is probably not at the critical lean stage. Therefore, the problem is somewhere else.

She's got some better advice now.

My 'bolt had an intake leak where the intake manifold met the cylinder head. Hard to get to and different bolts each side but it sure made a huge difference when tightened up.
its not a tuning issue. a different exhaust pipe will not cause this. the majority of people on this site with a modified exhaust do not have a newly tuned map. something else is wrong to cause this sever of an issue. id look at the o2 sensor if it was my bike.
o2 sensor is cheap, intake air temp sensor is cheap, intake seals are cheap...just need to do the work. If the fan isn't coming on look at the engine temp sensor. All the sensors are cheap might as well look into it. I agree that an exhaust only would not cause it to be that bad. I'd start with the easy, cheaper things first. It always tends to be the stupid little things that cause big problems.
OK, I understand what you were saying angel and agree, the lean condition isn't at a critical stage yet, but should be addressed.

Jessica has gotten a lot of good advice and things to check & do, hope it works out and she can get back to enjoying her ride.
Thanks for all the tips everyone!
I ordered the ECM... so I'll see really soon if that fixes the problem.

BTW, my hubby is the one that convinced me to get the Buell. He steals my ride ALL the time! lol

BTW, my hubby is the one that convinced me to get the Buell
We were not seriously trying to get you to dump the guy, just having fun.... anytime a girl posts on here is gets two pages of responses real quick... some great, some good, and some real silly.

I guess we're all a lil silly on here too. Now dont just disappear from the board, say hi once in a while

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