Down and possibly out

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Get back in there. Gear is good.

One time I low sided one of my race bicycles at over 30mph. Had rounded the same turn at over 40mph many times before. Just different road conditions. What a dry and dusty summer it was. (I had just won gold in the state games road race weekend before) Worst part, aero skin suits provide no protection. It took about a year for me to quit tip toeing around and attack those apex.

Don't do anything drastic. Hang in there. [up]
Well I got a chance to inspect the damage. Didn't take any pics because they won't release my bike until tomorrow. Basically all the plastics are smashed. The front faring with gauge cluster is ripped off. Signals, right side pegs, right side handlebar, levers, are all jacked. So what does it take to get a bike totalled? This is a 2004 firebolt. I had a lot of CF parts on it, and I have progressive insurance. The fame is in tact, as far as I can tell, but just about everything else is garbage. What do you all think they will do for/to me?
i had progressive when i wrecked my cbr. plastics were trashed fork was twisted they totaled out. i wound up getting $100 less then i paid for it the year before.
Not sure about the engine, but the frame looked okay. Going to pick it up in the morning....will get a better look then.
I didn't ride for months following my accident. And when I did start riding, it was around the block every other day for a few weeks at first... Recovery is a slow process...

At least you didn't lose a foot of intestine! [mad]
Well wishes for a speedy recovery Bitter. Hate to hear bout' the bike. Wrecking sucks not only physically but it messes with your head too. Like all have said, hop back on as soon as you can and take it slow. It almost feels like your a Newb again for a short while then it's green pastures from there on out. [up]
if you want it totaled then the frame needs to be tweaked a little...i did about 6700 in damage to mine and they replaced everything cause the frame was still intact. just my two cents
Sorry to hear about the mishap Bitter... That sucks.

I almost did the same damn thing this weekend, out at a jobsite. Wasn't paying enough attention and got into some loose dirt, damn near went in the ditch and ate a signpost. Managed to keep it out of the ditch and upright though. (Was only goin 35)

What I was told by State-Farm... They have some "magic" number that they come up with, what they figure they can sell the bike to a salvage yard for... if the cost of repair is higher then what they have to pay to total it out minus that number they pull out of their ass then the bike is totaled. (I know, big help, right?)

I had to replace just about everything on mine besides the frame, engine, airbox, and seat and they still didn't total it. Although, the original estimate was about $3500 for the repairs. I ended up getting closer to $5000 out of them because my dealer had their head up their ass when they did the original estimate. I have a feeling State-Farm would have totaled it with the amount they ended up paying out.

Bottom line, if you want to get out of repairing it just take a 5-pound hammer and put a big-ol dent in the frame. :) (Of course, that is illegal, so I'm being facetious.)
i just put mine down 2 months ago...still recovering from a crushed wrist...i felt the same way, didnt know if i wanted to ride again...give it a few weeks of seeing people riding when you cant and youll get the urge again..and i look at this way...while your down and out is a good time to upgrade your broken parts with nice aftermarket stuff :D
Bro, do what you think is best for you and your family, if that means hanging up the keys so be it or if that means getting back in the saddle again, great. Thats your life for you to choose, but great to hear you are doing good.
Had a similiar situation in the past. With Geico, and they wanted to total out the bike, but the frame & engine was good, so they paid out $2600 for cosmetics and gear [smirk]
It will be totaled out like my first '03 was but you should be able to buy it back for super cheap. I bought mine back for $400 all that was really wrong was the tranny, but the rest was simple ****.

When it comes to an estimate the labor drives the total up dramatically. So if you are up to getting the aftermarket stuff you have always wanted and doing the work yourself you will make out in the end no problem.

Just have the dealership do an estimate if Progressive doesnt and then, tell them to cut you the check, so you have something to hang on to while the bike is getting worked on, then just tell the dealership you are going to part out the bike.

Only down side will be you will have to get it inspected to get a salvaged title, which is like $120. But otherwise Mod it up.

Glad your ok, :p
Finally got a chance to add some photos...














The Progressive insurance guy didn't take long to total the bike out. However, they wanted $2,200 to buy it back. I have opted to let it go to the auction yard. Sad day. They should be here any minute.

Edit: Pic placement

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