Downloading .xpr file to Kindle Fire HD10

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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2019
Phoenix, AZ
I'm trying to test a new map from buelltooth, and can't seem to download the .xpr file from my e-mail to the kindle. What's weird is that ECMDroid works fine, and I was able to save my current map within the app as a .xpr file. Has anyone else dealt with this?
Post a link.....? having a smart attitude wont help this community grow from five active members.

I could have said "SERCH NEWB!!" Thats a smart attitude.

Instead, I thought, letting him know politely there was that exact question asked, would allow him to search for his answer knowing it isn't a fruitless endeavor.

Maybe I don't have time to spoon feed every single member? I noticed YOU didn't post the link... Thanks jl551c:up:
Ah, not sure why I couldn't find that article before. I think cause I was searching based on .xpr file, not ECM droid. I don't have trouble with the app, just getting the file.
So he problem isn't after you download the map, where to put it... The problem is how to download the attachment from the e-mail?

I'm afraid thats too OS specific for me. I'm not Kindle-fluent:confused:

Exactly. No worries looks like I just need to download an extension. It's my first Buell and it feels like it runs pretty strong, I was just curious if the other map would feel any different. I'm not in a hurry as there are still some other basic things I need to double check/change (grounds, plugs, oil).
"It's my first Buell and it feels like it runs pretty strong, I was just curious if the other map would feel any different."

Not knowing much about computers and programming, I can tell you that, from what I've read here and another major Buell forum, most of the people that do what your about to do usually end up asking for more help after they've screwed up a perfectly running buell ? Just my 2 cents.
You bought the Buelltooth from Cole Houser? From the couple of times I talked to him on the phone he was quite willing to help. After scratching your head for a bit more and doing some more research on the forums, shoot him an email if you can't figure it out. It took me a while to figure it out, but I got there.

I've only done this once, so I"m no expert, but I can say that after matching up the correct ECM program with my muffler my bike ran great. Smooth acceleration with no decal pop. Runs great. Good luck.
If it runs great now, why mess with it:confused:

Use ECMDroid to see what the ECM is doing and it will tell you if the bike is running well before you put in some free map you found and have to start a thread named "HELLP!!..."

Besides, ECMDroid is much more accurate than your butt-dyno will ever be.:upset:
If it runs great now, why mess with it:confused:

Use ECMDroid to see what the ECM is doing and it will tell you if the bike is running well before you put in some free map you found and have to start a thread named "HELLP!!..."

Besides, ECMDroid is much more accurate than your butt-dyno will ever be.:upset:

Good call, thanks for the advice.
You bought the Buelltooth from Cole Houser? From the couple of times I talked to him on the phone he was quite willing to help. After scratching your head for a bit more and doing some more research on the forums, shoot him an email if you can't figure it out. It took me a while to figure it out, but I got there.

I've only done this once, so I"m no expert, but I can say that after matching up the correct ECM program with my muffler my bike ran great. Smooth acceleration with no decal pop. Runs great. Good luck.

I don't think Cole is selling these anymore. He doesnt hang out here much from what I can tell, but last I knew he was active on the Facebook page. He's a good dude.
Sounds like your kindle device or email app won't allow the .xpr file to be downloaded correct? On the kindle device using a file explorer app you can navigate to the EEPROM folder on internal storage? Do you see a the .xpr EEPROM file that can be saved through ECMDroid in this folder? Plug the kindle into a computer and use Android file transfer or equivalent on PC or MAC computer, the kindle will show up just like an external hard drive, from here have the .xpr file downloaded on the computer and place it into that same folder mentioned above. Go and connect to the bike through ECMDroid and make sure in the settings you have the box checked for burning to the ECM enabled then back on EEPROM tab navigate to the EEPROM you placed in that folder... also make sure the file name starts with your ECM's ID (example: BUEIB). Let us know if this worked for you and good luck!

!!!Also if the EEPROM file you are trying to burn does not match the ECMID of your ECM, do not attempt or change the ID, the file sizes are different and will not work!!!
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