Dropped Bike at the Stop Sign.....

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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2008
Not my Buell but my brand new Ducati Hypermotard.... Rolled up to the stop sign. Tried to put my feet down and the bottom of my Levis got caught on the shifter or foot peg... Ripped the jeans by pushing down real hard but too little too late.... Oh Fudge.... but I didn't say Fudge.... I said the Queen Mother of all bad words as the bike softly hit the deck....Bottom Line.... Scratched up mirror housing edge.... Replacement cost... $190.... Bruised ego.... Free...
Could of been worse there could of been a convertible full of bikini clad women behind ya laughing at your expense[sad]
That sucks, but I've been there. I did the same sort of thing on a Sportster a few years back. It especially sucks that it was on your Ducati. Pretty much all Ducati parts are "Ducati Performance" parts (even tank bras/tank pads/luggage racks, etc.) and are about 2x more expensive than usual. Maybe we should tuck our pants into our socks like the 40 year old virgin does.
Crapsville... I been there second time I rode my friends zx6 I stopped in a parking lot right in front of him put my foot down in an oil spot and dropped it gas cap was loose and poured gas all over me and the bike.

Oh and post some pics up after its fixed I'd like to see the sexy beast
Ah well,when I had my suzuki gs550, I rolled to a stop sign in Columbus,Ga,was thinking of a girl I knew and forgot to even put my feet down at all,woman in car behind me nearly rolled out of her car laughing.
Dude a tear just came down my right cheek. I'm sorry to hear that. I've dropped my firebolt a few times cause I have a problem pressing down on the front brake to hard and fall in the parking lots. Luckily, I haven't drop it at a stoplight or stop sign yet. (knocks on wood) Now that I've said and done that it's going to happen. I have the shittiest luck. Anyways, that's not too bad cause at least no one saw you fall at least lets hope. Good luck on the fix.
When I lived in Mississippi, I busted my ass on a Nighttrain in my front yard. The rear wheel hit some pine straw and I went ass over tea kettle. Had been back from Afghanistan less than of month and only had the bike for a week. All the neighbor kids that were out playing thought it was hilarious. No damage to the bike, but I had a badly bruised ego.
I had a stop sign incident once on my 150cc chinese knock off scooter... I was sitting at an exit to a parking lot that was kind of like a ramp going up onto the street and there was just this little tiny lip or bump up before hitting the street... My front wheel was sitting right behind the little bump and as soon as I touched the gas on my mighty steed, it wheelied and flipped out into the street... with a full audience... who knew you could wheelie a 150cc scooter...
$190 for a mirror housing make me want to second guess wanting one of those really awesome looking bikes. I mean you would think since it looks like a dirt bike it would be tough like one.
Did kind of the same thing on my XB when it was new. Went for a nice fall ride just after I got my bike. Pulled into a state park parking lot, flicked down my kick stand (or so I thought) got off bike, bike starts to go down and I couldn't stop it. Didn't put kick stand all the way down! Doh! They only thing that happened was the clutch lever curled in about two inches. Could only use two or three fingers to pull it on the hour long ride back home.

I feel your pain man.