"Easy" Exhaust?

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2008
BuellXB parts makes it sound like picking up a Jardine Slip-on and K&N Filter is an easy way to crank up performance. Is it really that simple?

Can I order those two, put them on myself, and get flyin?
You would need a remap afterwords. But ya you could order them and put them on yourself.
Hey xb9s,

I live in the DC area as well. I've got ECMSpy and such, can probably help out with the re-tuning if you need it.



NO WAY!!!! So stoked to here that someone nearby might be able to help...

That being said, have you upgraded exhausts/filters and if so what did you go with?

I'm no Xopti by any means, but I'm learning my way around.

I've learned a few things watching Mike, and been tinkering with my own a bit.

At the very least, I can fatten the maps out a little to compensate for the added airflow, and set the AFV to dial in the AFR a bit better than stock.

We can also back up your original maps, so you'll always be able to set it back down the road.

Obviously TPS resets and such are pretty easy, too.

Like I said, I'm no Xopti. He's your best bet if you can set something up with him.

But if you're close to DC and have time to stop by, I'm here and I'm free.

I'm getting ready to do my own exhaust. I just need to get a 220v outlet installed at my new place so I can finally use the welder again.

The plan is to remove the labrynth core and internal elbow. I'll run two perforated tubes through the core, and fill with rockwool. It's basically a dual pass-through design, similar to the original Magna-Flow mufflers, and still retains the xb12 exhaust valve.

I'm actually planning to make the core removable, with an access panel on the top (or bottom) of the muffler that bolts down. This way I can make the muffler modular, and play around with different internal flow designs without having to waste another can every time.

This way too, I'll have the option of easily swapping internals based on what sound / performance characteristics I want, then switching back later.
There are areas in the Buell ECM that are not exactly perfect from the factory. By fixing some of those areas, even on a stock bike, you'll get smoother throttle response throughout the RPM range.

Probably don't need a whole re-map if you don't want to, but it is a good idea to at least do the TPS reset and check the AFV to make sure you're ECM is within optimal range.

Ideally, you're AFV should be as close to 100% as possible. When the ECM compensates for mods, it will probably increase that AFV to give the bike more fuel. But the AFV has limits on how far it can go.

Let's say you're ECM has a max AFV adjustment of 50%. If your ECM is already compensating for your upgraded exhaust and air filter by adding 15% more fuel, that means there's only 35% left (50-15 = 35)to adjust for atmospheric conditions, temperature, other mods, etc...

By resetting your fuel maps to automatically add that 15% BEFORE the AFV does it's correction, your ECM still has the full range of adjustment to work with.


From what I've seen, the ECM can usually handle one upgrade without too much trouble. Either the filter OR the exhaust, but when you do both it starts to push things.

There are also pre-made fuel maps out there specifically for an XB9 with Jardine and K&N filter. It's a pretty common setup.

Even uploading that would be better than keeping the stock settings, and it's an easy thing to do.

Again, I'm not the expert. There are plenty of guys on here who have much more experience than myself.

But, I do have the tools and ability to do it. You're more than welcome to use them if you'd like.

Urban, I have a Jardine installed now, and I'm lookin to do the re-breather mod before I put the K&N filter in. I was gonna send my ECM to ASB.com after all was done. Can you remap based on a mod list like they can? I live in Baltimore, so DC isnt far at all.

2003Buellxb9s - I dont mean to jack your thread, but this info might be useful to you too. If you want Urban and I could continue this off your thread.

Thanks so much for the info and the offer. I really want to try and do something to my bike that has to do with performance rather than appearance and the exhaust/filter seems to be the obvious first step. It's just that there is SOOOO much info and opinion out there as far as which one to go with, I thought it might be easiest to just start with Jardine/K&N. Honestly, the idea of going with the most popular/most accessible doesn't really gel with my personality, but as opposed to tackling a project like you're describing, it's much more realistic. I guess if there a bunch of people doing the Jardine it can't be THAT bad..

I'm no mechanic or expert but I'm relatively mechanically intuitive so if you need some extra hands with your project let me know, I'd be stoked to be a part of that.

Thanks again, as soon as I have my stuff I'll let you know so I can take you up on that offer!

Awesome thanks Tim...

And NoMore, who am I to tell someone when and where to jack.. jack as much as you need to, I do!
So to be clear...if I order a jardine for my 2009 xb12ss I can install it myself and dont need to remap the ecm? I am NOT going to do the filter.

Are there any other exhaust worth looking at that I can install myself without an ecm update?
Lots of exhausts worth looking at out there. Use the search function and type in exhaust. There's gobs of info about them on here. And yeah, you can get away with putting any exhaust on your bike.

Just so you know, Jardines have to be re-packed every so often.
I am looking for an easy to install pipe I can do myself for a bit more noise and more response. I dont like my lawn mower muffler very much.
Voodoo, Special Ops, Drummer, all use the stock pipe. You send them it, they do their magic, and send it back - or if they have one fabbed, you send them yours as a core, and they send you the fabbed one.

Either way, they all have the stock pipe look & ease of installation, but the similarities end there. ;)
I actually DON'T want the stock pipe look, i want something smaller, the stock muffler looks like a giant turd or a f**king bazooka.. i don't like the idea of having to deal with repacking the jardine though...