I'm no Xopti by any means, but I'm learning my way around.
I've learned a few things watching Mike, and been tinkering with my own a bit.
At the very least, I can fatten the maps out a little to compensate for the added airflow, and set the AFV to dial in the AFR a bit better than stock.
We can also back up your original maps, so you'll always be able to set it back down the road.
Obviously TPS resets and such are pretty easy, too.
Like I said, I'm no Xopti. He's your best bet if you can set something up with him.
But if you're close to DC and have time to stop by, I'm here and I'm free.
I'm getting ready to do my own exhaust. I just need to get a 220v outlet installed at my new place so I can finally use the welder again.
The plan is to remove the labrynth core and internal elbow. I'll run two perforated tubes through the core, and fill with rockwool. It's basically a dual pass-through design, similar to the original Magna-Flow mufflers, and still retains the xb12 exhaust valve.
I'm actually planning to make the core removable, with an access panel on the top (or bottom) of the muffler that bolts down. This way I can make the muffler modular, and play around with different internal flow designs without having to waste another can every time.
This way too, I'll have the option of easily swapping internals based on what sound / performance characteristics I want, then switching back later.