EBR check book!

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I find it interesting how much space people rent in their head worrying about other people's "stuff." WTF? Really? Who gives a sh*t how many rep points he has or how long YOU'VE been here--it's the internet, folks. And we're on an internet forum. Nobody owns or is entitled to anything...

Limitless check book?

Add a streetfighter model to the line-up, and ramp-up production facilities... [up]
What are rep points? ;)

If Erik handed me a company check book I would first ask what the hell he was thinking. Then I would offer to trade it back for an 1190 or just write a check for one.

But yea... the obvious... bring on the affordable production bikes please. Me with a company check book probably couldn't get that done.
i would go back to the shorter xb wheel base
and include that sweet little v4 1000cc motor in the package!
get the basic design away from the mainstream appearance with all that carbon and paint.
go back to colour injected plastics again. they are great for all road coinditions. easy to make accessory colour kits to customise.
and of course both the R and S versions....

and rep points please! :p
just got back from 450km bit of two wheeled therapy and when I left this morning I had a rep of 66, now 79, wtf [confused]
(did the ride make my rep go up, if so I must ride more!)

Seems I get under people's skin easily I'll give you 20 rep points for that buddha

your so far from getting under my skin GAXB9R that we are on different planets, LOL
..and there really is no need to pad my rep, thanks anyways but if I feel the need to make myself look smrter then I think I am, I know which button to click on
(I have stated in the rep points thread, that over the last 3 years I have indeed repped myself)

we both ride and love Buells and thats all that counts Bueller


self rep ability be gone!

admin, mods, BuellXB, scrap the rep dealio

I find it interesting how much space people rent in their head worrying about other people's "stuff."

it's really no biggie and as I stated in my op, it is just a pet peeve of mine and I thought I would ask...

Now to get back to GAXB9R's question...

there is a pic of a 1125 based XB that is sick as hell, I would be making those for the everyday hardworking joe, offer up a faired version for those that like that style of bike, try keep costs down so no one has to sell a bodypart to own one and dump a **** load of $$$$$$$$$$$$$ into marketing those bikes.

You haven't seen him lately. He looks nothing like a girl, more like a straight up crazy mountain man.

since you've seen the album Brandon, I guess your alluding too this pic


I would continue what he started, creating a brand, with multiple income sources, establish a record of winning( dominating), and slowly let everything come to a boil, and, BAM affordable mass produced performance bikes
buddha, I gave you some rep.

I do however think we should change it from reputation to street cred :p
you guys are like women with these rep points. Ill post the same thing i always do when you start talking about them.

Well, I'm biased since I have a Firebolt, but I would make more parts available for XBs. Stuff like bringing back the racing exhaust. I would make a continuation of the 1125. It would be more high-end because of the limited capacity for mass producing bikes. As much as I would like to see E.B.R. make a new air-cooled bike like the XBs, I would have to assume it wouldn't be easy for E.B.R to get Harley motors.
Ive been here 2 years and had no clue you could add or take away your own reps.......

didnt know either... been here for two years.

Dude to be honest, I would end up having like the most expensive night of my life. Id keep telling the girls and bartenders to put it on my companies tab, and the next day I would go in hung over as hell and say oh ****, wtf did I spend 300 grand on last night?!?!
EBR's check book is not very big, but Hero's is! I'd find a way to make the 1190 into a $14,000 every man's bike. OK, maybe as much as $17,000 with traction/wheelie control and ABS.
Do you want honesty or do you want me to act like I would actually take the benefit of the company into consideration?

I need a figure to know exactly what I would do but I do know partying would be very high on the list. Your gonna give me someone else's money to spend? Hell let me think ME ME ME and more for ME.

Just sayin.......

Now to get back on topic GAX is a self glosser. What a douche to give him self all those reps [down] :D
Yeah I gave em to Buddha :D

Can't lie though I have had help;)
I figure if I start over now and get a rep I'm gonna take it for what it's worth and then [down] myself so it doesn't become a "problem" again being a n00bie and all:p

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