EBR Preprogram ECM? Can you get them??

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2011
I have an 08 xb12r, just went to order the preprogramed ECM from the EBR site and it said they dont have them in stock. Has anyone actually purchased one from the site??
Pretty sure thats the only place you can get them. Maybe they just have not updated the site. Shoot them an email and they'll let you know what they have in stock ready to go.
Probably temporarily out of stock.

You'd be better off tuning your own ecm though...it's cheaper and really not that hard once you get the know how.
Ahhh i've been avoidin that like the plague! :( I really should just get this pesky tunerpro and give it a shot. But i am hella hesitant.
It's worth it. Granted, tunerpro is confusing as ****, but if you sign up for a tuning class with theoctopus he will guide you through the entire process. You're still looking at a lot less than you would spend on the ebr ecm...
Yep, 250+ isn't bad for an Ecm .It's plug and do a TPS reset make sure you unplug the top interactive exhaust valve (top of air box) before starting the bike. I have one for my Street XB12R 08/ I just got this one a few weeks ago. Finally got enough time to install. So we will see how it goes. :D
i have 2... i have the EBR 08-09 xb12r Y0160.08AH and the EBR 08-09 xb12r jardine Y0165.10AH both of them didnt work out so well for me since i do alot of city stop and go driving. it caused the bike to run really hot and bog out at stops. i bought them for $250 each + shipping. had them in for 6 months each...guess im just the lazy $ having kinda guy... anyone intrested in buying them from me??? lol
yeah, unless you wanna deal with the hassel or have a dealer tune it, EBR is your best best at $250
It really wasn't that hard once you get the hang of it...have you even tried? The ebr ecm is not a fix all...mine did not work well, ended up dying on me and had to send it back. Much more of a hassle than tuning it myself, and I got a better outcome doing it myself.
EBR buys the ECM blanks in batches. They were out of stock when I was looking, and they were waiting for the new one's to come in.

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