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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
EBR has some new ECM's specifically mapped for certain exhaust setups. specifically the 1125R/cr HMF and FMF slip on, and the XBs with the jardine and drummer.
Yeah im trying to send mine back now so I can get the ECM set for my Drummer. They told me
The plug and play ECM was developed for the Buell Pro Series exhaust and made good power with the Drummer as well. However, we have refined the calibration specifically for the Drummer now, which added a little bit of power and also reduces the decel popping significantly.

Thank you,

Tech Support

Erik Buell Racing"
I dont know if EBR will just give them out, you may have to send your ECM to them (if yours is programmable) and have them map it for you.
just checked with EBR Tech support. If you currently have the re-programmable ECM, they will update the map for $25 plus $10 shipping& handling.
my bad, i just saw its a "race ECM" I dont think you can reprogram that one. The EBR ECM's are reprogramable if you buy the programable one through EBR. Or you can buy the plug and play ECM and send it back to them so they can put a new map in it.
I hope this donst confuse you.[confused]
I dont even know, I'd have to check the box again but I do have a Stock ecm that I can send in. My XB12R firebolt has been running horribly since march and 2 dealers have been working on it but have not found ANY Solution. only suggestion was that I replace my race ecm... I have a Jardine RT-ONE on my bike now so hopefully a flashed ecm to match my jardine exhause will fix my problem [sad]
Only think i could think of is reset tps and do the learn, but im guessing the dealer has done all that. How is it running bad?
has been misfiring really bad when it gets to normal operating temps.. it sputters and barely runs when I give it gas in all gears and gets worse through time. The Dealers have checked plugs, replaced wires, tested the voltage regulator connections, fuel pump and pressure lol the works. only thing they can think of is the ecm but neither know about mapping ecm's or ecmspy for that matter and I know nothing about that as well lol
This might be a stupid idea but why dont you email Erikbuellracing.com and ask them. They might tell you to buy one of the new EBR ECM's but who knows.
Hey Taylor

Is that drummer of your quite noisy? I am concerned about buying one as a loud exhaust may exceed the etiquite of my neibhourhood. Also, which drummer is it? and does it have a baffle?