ECM installation HELP

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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2007
[mad][mad] i just bought a pdg moto face plate and was wondering if anyone can send me a link on how to remove the ecm i need to remove it to get to the back side of the gauge cluster
any info is greatly appreciated
you bought alot lately...

but i'm not sure what you mean here [confused]
The ecm is a plug and play type piece. It shouldn't be screwed down or anything it should just clip in place when you install it. Plus you should be able to get the guages out without touching the ECM.
sorry should have tried spending a little more time trying to figure it out than making a thread sorry guys but got it all put back together and running looks nice
I am just saying the amount of time people put into typing why didn't you just use the search feature they could have just typed the answer is all I am really saying.
I am just saying the amount of time people put into typing why didn't you just use the search feature they could have just typed the answer is all I am really saying.

And on that same note, the same amount of typing a person does to ask a question that has been asked five times, they could search for it and find their answer and maybe some other answers they werent looking for.

I'm not being a dick, I am just asking people to do two things...

1. Before you ask a question, look to see if it is already answered. If not, then ask it. I think I have helped plenty of people on here. I answer any question that I can, and if I cant, I try to find out the answer. The reason why I say this is, search and see how many exhaust threads there are.

2. If you are going to work on your own bike, it would be in your best interest to own a service manual. Its a cheap investment.
Oh believe me I think everyone should have a manual for their bike. Exhaust questions I understand searching for but some questions you can search and it comes up empty because you didn't type something specific enough.

You do answer almost everyone's question but just lately I have been seeing a ton of try the search before asking. Sometimes people just ask without searching. I try to do as much research as possible before opening a new thread.
thank you dans for sticking up
but as dans mentioned before i did search searched a few different times and still came up with nothing
i needed an answer then and couldnt find the thread or any thread with help so i asked a question
but thank you for all your replies
Almost never is the specific information you are looking for in the thread. From what I have read almost evryone in here loves to give there opinion.
(like I am Now) But alot of times it seems they only want to tell you to look it up or check your spelling. If it bothers you that much don't type anything and the forum will be a much more relaxed place to visit. We all have something in common here,And if i know the answer to a question even if its been asked a hundred times i will answer it. It really isn't a big deal. Like I said if its that much of a problem for you don't say anything.