ecm spy datalogging problem

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Jul 5, 2010
hey guys, i searched but didnt find anything.

a few weeks ago i was able to hook up my comp and datalog a whole tuning trip with no problem. now all of a sudden, it'll hook up and start datalogging, and than the port with close or connection will be interupted after like 30 seconds. i cant figure it out. any ideas?
Did you double check that your settings are "do nothing" when you close the screen? Also make sure other settings such as "standby" are set to a timeframe that allows you enough to ride. I am not sure how, but mine have reverted back to default before.
also make sure your USB connection remains good at all times. the plug on my cable has a little bend to it now because i was not careful when i put it into my backpack for a recent logging trip... bummer
yeah i think it may be my cable. i think i also didnt run it in administrator mode either..which mightve messed with it