ECM SPY tips

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2008
to all you ecm spy veterans out there. is ther a special way/procedure to load a new map/eprom. a couple days ago my race ecm fried, but i have all the maps and eprom saved on my computer. my questin is can i simply just burn my race ecm eprom on my stock ecm or does it have to be done a certain way.
well i was ridin and all of a sudden it started to fire on one cyclinder. so i made it home firin on one cyclinder, plugged my computer in , showd a code for the fron injector wire grounded or somthing. so i took it apart checked the wire there a few splits in the harness here and ther so i fixed them, put it back together. and the same **** firing on one cyclinder, so i took the rear injector plug and plugged it in the front cylinder 2 c if it was the injector , it wasent. so i grabbed my stock computer plugged it in and everything was fine. so ya i guess i just fried the front injector part of the computer somehow.
I would be concerned with whether putting in a new ECM is going to help. How do you know you're not going to just fry your current ECM.

And why did you remap a Race ECM anyways? You could have remapped your stock ECM and sold the Race ECM for big bucks!
I think you should be able to just load the text file you saved your race map to under "load eprom" as long as they are from the same series ecm's.
ok i bought a race ecm b4 i knew what ecm spay was, and i kept my stock ecm.i know what fried my rce ecm,i had acouple exposed wires , they must have been arching and shorted out the ecm.
I would not try to load the eeprom just copy and past the fuel and timing maps. I have read where people have fried their stock ecm loading the race eeprom to it.
well just did it yesterday, so far so good. no running problems and i didnt fry my computer.
Thats good to hear. I hope they post those Race ECMs EERPOMs one of these days. I'd like to see the differences and compare the 2.