Ecmspy- flashing maps to my bike??? Help please......

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Aug 10, 2010
I have a 07 Fireblot XB12 that i want to get a little more power out of.
I have ECMspy. I have it all working.
Backed up the EPROM.
Reset the TPS
Set the AFV to 100
Checked for trouble codes, none.
I have the new maps that i want to flash to my mike all ready to go.

Now im confused about how to flash them in,
Could anybody help me with a (simple terms)step by step procedure for doing it
your help would be greatly appreciated
thank you
1: Open up Ecmspy and the Stock EEPROM.
2: Open up another Ecmspy window and open the race EEPROM.
3: Highlight all of the rear cylinder fuel values for the race map. Press Ctrl + c on the keyboard. Then paste them (Ctrl + v) into their the rear fuel map on your stock map. Repeat for the front fuel map. If all your seeing is the graph just uncheck the checkbox in the upper right corner that says "3D map view."
4: Copy the front and rear timing maps using the same method as the fuel maps.
5: Compare the two maps to make sure that everything copied over ok.
6: NOTE: Be sure RPM headers on new EEPROM matches the Race EEPROM.
6: Close the Ecmspy window that contains the race EEPROM.
7: Save “Hybrid” EEPROM you’ve just created as a different Name.
7: Click burn maps and follow the on screen directions.

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