ECMSpy tps reset................

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2009
does anybody have ecmspy steps or "walkthrough" for reseting the TPS. been reading sounds like u reset the TPS along with the AFV!? i tried downloading the ECMspy tuning guide and all that and brings it up in word and some goofy ass foriegn laungage BS. just bought the Buell Race Kit... and ach'n to get it all installed soon.... any help greatly appreciated.
Don't reset the AFV everytime you do a TPS unless needed. If possible, have the bike up to tempature. With the bike off, key on and ECM spy loaded and communicating and on the on the screen that shows TPS% (overview or ecm runtime) back off the idle adjustment screw and the tps% number should go down towards zero. When it quits going down while turning the screw, (may not read all the way to zero), snap the throttle a couple times to be sure the throttle is completly closed and back it off another turn. Now, go to the diagnostic screen and click "TPS reset". Go back to the overview screen and click on the connection tab (keys icon) at the top to re-establish communication, as it usually drops it after the reset. Now turn the idle adjusment screw in until the TPS% is around 5%. If the % doesn't start to rise within a turn or two, double check that you haven't lost communication. Start the bike and set your idle speed where you want it, usually around 1050 rpm. Your done. The object is to syncronize the throttle blade completly closed with 0% TPS so the ECM has that as a reference point. The 5% you adjust it to is only a starting point so the bike will be close when you start it and has no bearing on idle after that. All this is assuming your bike is an '07 or earlier as the later bikes don't have a manual reset. Hope this helps.

wow thanks man. sounds easy enough. how do u know if the AFV needs to be reset!? and yes she's a 2003 XB9S... already have the Race Muffler on it(bought it like that), and just want to install Race ECM and filter...
Not sure about how you know about the AFV reset, but back up your EERPOM before you try it. I've seen it make the bike not want to run at all, so you may have to burn your previous setup.
yep, as dave said, absolutley before you do anything, save your eprom to a file! I wouldn't worry about the Adaptive Fuel Value for a while until your ready to make changes to your map. If you load a new map, then reset it to zero.


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