Enclosed Trailers

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2010
How many of you guys pull your toys around in an enclosed trailer? I am looking to buy one and thought this would be an interesting thread. Post a picture or two of your trailer filled with toys and include how large it is.
19' Toy Hauler

Coincidence, I just offered to try to sell one for a guy here in town. It 's a Wells Cargo(quality brand) 6'w x 12' l x6' plus high inside. All aluminum,single axle, nice mag wheels with electrical hookup inside He paid $6100 for it new(it's a 2010model) and is looking to get $4800 for it. Western N,H,. I' get pics up hopefully tonite.
Pretty nice setups. I was looking at a 6x12 because i think it will be perfect for 2 or 3 dirtbikes and plenty of enough room for my xb12
Here's mine '42, twin bed, air compressor, generator, stainless kitchen, e-track and wheel chalks in the back, awing. I've used it a few time's for Buell home coming. It's a lot of fun camping and taking the bikes with too.
It's for sale too. I want to downsize a little and build another truck.


There was one more bike getting put in. Home coming 2010
nothing to big for me haha


just a little ranger, the bike was the reason i bought a truck. Being only 17 and in highschool I don't think I'm doing to bad....
Ha! Sold a nice featherlight horse trailer a few years back - then bought my buell!! No regrets there!
the wife and I are thinking of picking up a small trailer for the bikes and setting it up to transform into a camper so it has more than 1 use. besides the toy haulers has anyone seen or done this?
I am in the search for a 22' enclosed car hauler myself, but it will be or my move to AZ. Figure I can buy one and sell it one I move. Then once I get there I can buy a smaller trailer to retro fit to camping stuff in, but still be able to haul motorcycles, dirt bikes, and quads.

For now I got my truck.
besides the toy haulers has anyone seen or done this?

I have seen it done. Most just use fold down beds like you would see in some older urban homes. It can be as simple as a frame of 2x4's around the mattress that is wall mounted with hinges on the bottom that allows it to drop down.
I use a HighPoint trailer, really nice, light and well-built motorcycle-specific trailer. They are out of business now I think, but were started and owned by John Penton. [up]

There are toy haulers built on aluminum horse trailer chassis - much nicer than the typical wood and fibreglass toy haulers (tend to fall apart).

FWIW "trailer's" is the possessive form of trailer. :p
You can turn any enclosed trailer into a camper with a blow up mattress and a sleeping bag [up]

Mount a Heater/AC on the top for more comfort if you prefer...would probably need to keep a generator as well just in case.

Remember, the more **** you have, the more **** you gotta fix....or is it, "the things you own end up owning you" or something like that.

My new 8.5x20 enclosed aluminum trailer by ATC. Test fit before moving 1/3 of the way across the country.