Engine cylinders rebuild parts list

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May 4, 2014
Alright, I have over 1000 miles after maintaining engine cylinders on my motorcycle and I see no issues, no James gaskets base gasket leakage. So as I promised here is the parts list you will need if you will decide to maintain your engine cylinders. You probably have to do this work even if you will need to take the cylinders off just to replace the leaking push-rod o-ring like I did because of since you will be there you can do all the necessary maintenance so you will not need to dig in to this again soon.

I was not able to find any thread with any information about parts and process for this maintenance. The service manual is unclear on tools and spare parts information for cylinders and cylinder heads maintenance or the information there is obsolete and you will not be able to find tools and parts listed in the service manual. So this parts list is result of a lot of effort, time and money I spent researching this process.

This parts list matches 2009 Buell XB12Scg so please double check parts and tools you need if you are going to work on another Buell models.

Parts replacement list:

- Cinders and cylinder heads gasket kit:

For the 07 and up bikes, you're gonna need this kit (I used this kit)
James Gaskets Kit #JGI-17049-07-X

The kit for earlier bikes is here:
James Gaskets kit #JGI-17049-04-X

The kit has the most of the gaskets for the cylinders and rocker box covers except the push-rod covers gaskets and PCV valves grommets. This kit is must have if you are going to remove cylinders, you can not reuse most of those gaskets, and even if you can, just install fresh gaskets, you don't want to do this job twice if old gasket will leak.

- (Optional) RTV silicone black for use in conjunction with rocker box gasket https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FW7V3C/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
This is optional, you can apply tiny bead of black RTV silicone on rocker box gasket on top and on bottom faces before installation hoping it will seal better and will not leak. I did it.

- (Optional) Hylomar Blue for use in conjunction with rocker box cover gaskets https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00XLWUO0A/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
This is optional, you can fill the rocker box cover gaskets slots with Hylomar Blue and install the gaskets there and also cover the mating surfaces on covers with Hylomar hoping it will improve sealing and will prevent leaks. I did it.

- 2 Spark plugs NGK (2316) DCPR9EIX https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BQ6LFPQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

- (Optional) Engine assembly lube https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000HBNVSK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1

You can use just fresh motor oil for assembly instead of this lube.

- 1 Rear push-rod cover gasket part number 17649-02 https://shop.newcastlehd.com/part/17649-02 (rear and front push-rod cover gaskets are different).

- 1 Front push-rod cover gasket part number 17608-00Y https://shop.newcastlehd.com/part/17608-00y (rear and front push-rod cover gaskets are different)

- 2 piston rings sets for 3.5 bore part number 21948-02 https://shop.newcastlehd.com/part/21948-02

- OEM Harley Davidson Piston Pin Lock Ring https://www.ebay.com/itm/OEM-Harley...-FXSTS-FLHR-/371581036820?hash=item5683f4a914

You will need only 2, but buy at least set of 10 of these clips because of likely you will bent a few of them during installation. Just buy extra, they are cheap but deadly important.

- (Optional) 2 PCV valves part number 17607-00Y https://st-paul-harley-davidson-bue...buell-turret-valve-pcv-pair-all-xb-models-b2j
You might not need them if they are not leaking, or you can replace them later, it is not big deal, you will just need to rotate engine again.

- (Optional) 2 PCV valve grommets part number 17606-00YA https://st-paul-harley-davidson-bue...e-buell-viton-grommet-for-xb-rocker-boxes-l6d
You might not need them if they are not leaking, or you can replace them later, it is not big deal, you will just need to rotate engine again.
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Special tools and materials list:

- Aircraft remover to clean the soot and all crap from valves, cylinder chambers, pistons https://www.amazon.com/Klean-Strip-...d=1524803560&sr=8-5&keywords=aircraft+remover
You can buy it in any auto store. Just soak the parts in this solution overnight and most of the dirt will came right off. Be careful with it, use respirator and long sleeve thick gloves working with this stuff. Keep it out from paint, it will take any paint off.

- Plastic container to clean the parts. I used tote plastic container from Home Depot to keep the parts there while cleaning them

- Plastic brushes to help aircraft remover to scrub the dirt and clean the parts. I used different plastic brushes I found in Home Depot and Autozone.

- (Optional) Hole gauge to inspect valve guides https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073D8K3RB/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

- (Optional) 0"-1" micrometer to measure hole gauge and valves stems for inspection. You can use any micrometer, even cheap one with good rating from Amazon.

- 150-200mm caliper to take measurements. Any caliper will work, cheap one should work too. You can find caliper on Amazon.

- (Optional) Prussian Blue compound to inspect valves and valves seats figment https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000HBM86Q/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

- Blue Layout Fluid to inspect the valve seats while refreshing their faces https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0018ACR6G/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

- (Optional) Bore gauge to inspect cylinder bores https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OU7SYZ2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

- (Optional) 3"-4" micrometer to work in conjunction with bore gauge to inspect cylinder bores https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01548KD5O/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

- Feeler gauge to inspect gasket surfaces flatness and piston ring gaps https://www.amazon.com/OEMTOOLS-250...8&qid=1524814104&sr=8-3&keywords=feeler+gauge

- (Optional) straight edge or metal ruler to inspect gasket surfaces flatness. You can find it on Amazon.

- (Optional) C-clip remover-installer tool Slinger Airflow Piston Pin Retaining Ring Tool 110" #SAW-026 Harley Davidson to install C-clip in the pistons https://www.ebay.com/itm/Slinger-Ai...m=332483669345&_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850

I fount this tool works very well for C-clip installation but does not work at all for removing C-clips. I used Hook and Pick Set to remove C-clip from piston. This tool is pricey, but C-clip appropriate installation without excessive bending and damaging c-clip without this tool is PITA, so this is the right tool to get the job done right and clean.

You also will not find how to use this tool. It took me a few tries and a couple of bended c-clips to figure out how this tool works. You have to put c-clip on the tool rod with opened end on opposite side of the jaw clamp. Then you have to stick the tool in the piston hole and c-clip in the two notches around the hole and press it in until the jaw will hit the hole edge. Then hold the tool pressed toward the hole and rotate it sliding on the c-lip in the hole to align the jaw clamp and the big slot in the hole so you can press the tool with c-lip in the hole completely. C-clip might not sit in the slot completely after that, so remove the tool and use small screwdriver to slide the c-clip in the slot completely.

- Hook and Pick Set to remove c-clips from pistons and to remove old exhaust gaskets https://www.autozone.com/test-scan-...t/surebilt-4-pcs-hook-and-pick-set/141461_0_0

You can buy it in any auto store.

- Piston Ring Compressor Set to install pistons with rings in cylinders. I used this one https://www.ebay.com/itm/162016598459?hash=item25b8f119bb

You may find this tool has rough edges. I sanded the edges of the 3.5 bore tool with sandpaper to remove burrs and polished the edges and then cleaned the tool before using. The tool works OK.

- Piston ring installer to install piston rings https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0009OMYC4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1

- Valve spring compressor to remove and install valves. I used JIMS part number 96600-36B https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GNA9BW4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

This tool already has correct tip size to fit the Buell valve spring so no additional parts for this tool needed.

- Coarse grinding compound+Fine grinding compound to lap the valves https://www.oreillyauto.com/detail/...rsachem-valve-grinding-compound/13209/4776635

You can buy it in any auto store. I used Versa Chem grinding compounds.

- Valve lapper tool with suction cup diameters 1-1/8 and 1-3/8 for lapping the valves https://www.autozone.com/test-scan-...r-tool/oem-large-valve-lapper-tool/531954_0_0

I bought it in Autozone

- Vinyl tape to protect the valve seals during installation http://image.ibb.co/gkZOh6/IMAG0558.jpg

- Neway Valve Seat Cutter 1-3/4" - 31° x 46° Harley Davidson to refresh and adjust valve seats 31° and 46° faces https://www.cylinderheadsupply.com/nevasecu131x1.html

- Neway Valve Seat Cutter 1-3/4" - 60° to refresh and adjust valve seats 60° faces https://www.cylinderheadsupply.com/cu293.html

- Neway 1/2" Hex Wrench for use with Neway Cutters https://www.cylinderheadsupply.com/1hexnyfit.html

- 7.02mm (0.2764) Neway Tapered Pilot - 140 Series to guide the Neway Cutters https://www.cylinderheadsupply.com/140-7-02mm.html

- Brass brush to clean the seat cutter during work. I used brass brush from this set https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0195PCMF6/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1

- (Optional) 45° Valve resurfacer https://www.cylinderheadsupply.com/gizmatic.html

I did not use it. I just refreshed the valves seats with Valve Seat Cutters and lapped them then. But if you want to goo really hard you can use this very expensive tool. You do not need to lap valves with grinding compound and lapping tool then.

- (Optional) Sandblasting booth. I had access to sandblasting booth so I used it to clean the valves and cylinder head chambers after aircraft remover sessions. But you can have good result just manually cleaning this stuff with scotch bright pads after aircraft remover session following different guides from youtube.

- (Optional) Fine Grade Walnut Shell Blast Media to clean the valves and cylinder heads in conjunction with sandblasting booth and sandblasting gun https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006ZBCUUG/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I had access to sandblasting booth so I used it to clean the valves and cylinder head chambers after aircraft remover sessions https://www.buellxb.com/forum/showt...utside-surface&p=596378&viewfull=1#post596378

But you can have good result just manually cleaning this stuff with scotch bright pads after aircraft remover session following different guides from youtube.

- (Optional) Sand Blaster gun to clean the valves and cylinder heads in conjunction with sandblasting booth and wallnut shell media https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0007D30DO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I had access to sandblasting booth so I used it to clean the valves and cylinder head chambers after aircraft remover sessions. But you can have good result just manually cleaning this stuff with scotch bright pads after aircraft remover session following different guides from youtube.

- (Optional) Berryman Cham-dip parts cleaner to soak the valves before cleaning https://www.autozone.com/fuel-and-e...leaner/berryman-carburetor-cleaner/139313_0_0

I found it works OK to loosen some soot from valves if you let it soak for a week in it. But I did it after aircraft remover cleaning session and aircraft remover did the most cleaning work. You probably can skip it and clean the valves with wallnut blasting or with red scotch bright pads like I did after wallnut blasting session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLrUnEEeZrk

- 3.5" 240 grid Cylinder bore hone to hone the cylinder bore https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002XUL1EE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1

- 7mm (.276") Flex-Hone Cylinder Hone Tool 240 Grit (Silicon Carbide) to hone the valve guides https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002MOSC20/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

- Flex-Hone Nylon Tube Cleaning Brush Kit for Cleaning Cylinder Head Valve Guides https://www.ebay.com/itm/252216711112?hash=item3ab94997c8

- Brush to clean 3.5" cylinder bore. I used just hand brush from Home Depot to wash cylinders and it worked very well, but you can buy special 3.5" Cylinder Wash Brush https://www.amazon.com/Flex-Hone-Cylinder-Brush-88-9mm-Diameter/dp/B07BR8KN9L/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1524810069&sr=8-1&keywords=3.5"+Cylinder+Bore+Cleaning+Brush
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- Some Red scotch bright pads to clean the valves https://www.amazon.com/Scuff-Pads-S...24810205&sr=1-1&keywords=red+scotch+brite+pad


- Some Green scotch bright pads to clean cylinder gasket mating surfaces and probably valve guide outside surfaces https://www.amazon.com/Scotch-Brite...atcorr&keywords=Green+scotch+bright+pads&th=1


- Some Blue Non Scratch scotch bright pads to polish valve guides outside surfaces after removing gaskets residue from them https://www.amazon.com/Scotch-Brite...&keywords=blue+non+scratch+scotch+bright+pads


- Metal polishing compound to clean and recondition the valve guides outside surfaces from gaskets residues. I used Meguiar Motorcycle All Metal Polish https://www.amazon.com/Meguiars-MC2...r=8-1-spell&keywords=Megular+all+metal+polish


- Low level torque wrench 30 to 250 in.-lb. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001VXRYG8/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1

- Mid level torque wrench 120-960 in.-lb. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00C5ZL12Y/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1

- Temperature sensor socket https://www.buellxb.com/forum/showt...erature-sensor&p=596156&viewfull=1#post596156

- 4 plastic or rubber hoses 6 in. (152 mm) length of 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) inside diameter to protect the studs and the piston. I bought PVC pipe with 1/2" inside diameter in Home Depot and cut 6" length tubes from it.

- Common tools, sockets sets, wrenches extensions, spark plug socket and spark plug wires pliers, degreasers (Alcohol, Acetone), lubricants (engine oil, WD40), motorcycle stand, car scissors jack, rags, paper towels, respirator, gloves, protection glasses.

Some tips:

In most cases service manual is pretty clear, but it does not cover all situations and has some mistakes:

-Manual says that there is no need to use special tool to remove valve seal. It is wrong, valve seals likely will be deadly sticked to the valve guide so you have to use brute force to take them off. Do this very carefully to not scratch the valve guides outside surfaces, use pliers very carefully to pull the gaskets off, help with plastic or wood sticks to pry them off. Clean the valve guides from valve gaskets residue https://www.buellxb.com/forum/showt...-clean-and-polish-valve-guide-outside-surface

-Manual has correct valve seats cutting sequence but the valve seat sizes it suggests are wrong, if you will follow it the valve sealing line will be on the very edge of the valve. Here are my sizes of the valve seat geometry I set on my valves:

intake valve internal edge diameter of 46° face is about 43.53 mm https://image.ibb.co/jZ1XGx/IMAG0541.jpg
exhaust valve internal edge diameter of 46° face is about 37.48 mm https://image.ibb.co/hGuV3c/IMAG0540.jpg
46° face width is 1.016-1.575mm on both intake and exhaust valves

Cut the valves faces very carefully, cut them just enough to remove pitting from the valve seat seal 46° face, do not overcut them, follow the manual sequence. See youtube guides to understand how to cut valve guides faces and how to size them properly.

Lap the valves after refreshing valve seats faces if you are not going to refresh valve 45° face with that expensive valve cutting tool I mentioned above.

- Manual is unclear about piston pin c-lip installation with c-clip installation tool. It has some pictures without clear description about what you should do. I downloaded a bunch of another Harley service manuals trying to find clear description how to use this tool, but none of them have this information, they just copied pasted same unclear info from old service manuals for new motorcycles. See my description above about this process in the c-clip installation tool line.

- Here are cylinder honing process tricks https://www.buellxb.com/forum/showt...Surface-Finish&p=596222&viewfull=1#post596222

- Manual does not have any info about valve seal protective sleeves size you have to use during valve seals installation. I fount those sleeves should be 7mm ID and they do not exist anymore. So use just vinyl tape for this purpose like I described above.

- Manual says nothing about exhaust gasket removing and installation process. But exhaust gasket installation is PITA if you don't know the trick. To remove exhaust gasket just use Hook and Pick carefully grabbing the old gasket to not scratch gasket seat surfaces on cylinder head. Remove all old gasket material. To install new gasket use exhaust header flange and retaining ring. See this video how to do this https://youtu.be/znOkJapdHnQ

I believe this is full tools and parts list you will need to do this work. I would spent less time and money if I would had this information before I started this work because of during this process I bought some wrong size tools and parts before I have figured out what I need due to lack of this information in service manual and Internet.
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Thanks TPEHAK for that very thorough list of what you did for you particular heads, it's a good addition to the info here on BuellXB, and I'm glad it worked out for you:up:

What worked for you, won't necessarily work for everyone.

Just a couple notes:
I would not using any type of gasket maker with rubber gaskets, unless it is specifically recommended by the manufacturer of the gasket, or they are paper.

Do not use any abrasives on the engine while it is together. No scotchbrite, no shells, no beads. They are abrasives for a reason and unless you can completely clean the part off the engine, you are adding abrasives to where they shouldn't be.

I'm specifically noting your different valve angles. Although it was the right thing to do for your valves, not everyone should follow that exact measurement for exactly the same reason you didn't follow the manual.

The piston clip installer tool is a good investment. It is critical the clip is seated correctly, once they are bent too far, toss them.

Most shops will do all that for you for less than the cost of your valve compressor, but if you have the time, it's a satisfying process. Very manly! haha.

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