Just bought 2009 XB12R FIREBOLT but when I found out what the code was for the trouble light I found out some one had manually turned the EXHAUST ACTUATOR when I took the UNIT apart and broke off the tab to hold on end of the coil spring off and no way to glue or make a pin. I have a 04 XB12R which I took the Interactive Exhaust Actuator off to try on the 09. The plug had to be turned 180 degrees to connect to the 09 for the wire colors on the 09 from left to right are RED,BLACK,WHITE,BROWN-with Brown strip and the Plug on my 04 is just the opposite. 04 has the lock part of the plug on the top and the 09 has the plug lock on the bottom, Any way to cheat the Actuator till I can find a 09
version of the Interactive Exhaust Actuator? The Code reads 21 AMC Stuck open. When I use my 04 Actuator unit I get AMC Stuck Closed. At least the 04 Actuator will fully do a cycle rotate to open the exhaust valve the back to home on the 09 before throwing trouble engine light on.
version of the Interactive Exhaust Actuator? The Code reads 21 AMC Stuck open. When I use my 04 Actuator unit I get AMC Stuck Closed. At least the 04 Actuator will fully do a cycle rotate to open the exhaust valve the back to home on the 09 before throwing trouble engine light on.