Exhaust Help/Question

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Jan 22, 2017
Winchester, VA
I bought I knew to me 2007 xb12s this past weekend, and starting to go over everything it has, secrets, wants, etc. After a number of hours of research I was wondering if I could get a little help identifying my exhaust (see pics)? I am not sure this is the stock exhaust or the racing exhaust by virtue of the mounting clamps and brackets. Also attached is a picture of the baffle the previous owner removed from the exhaust. Anyone know what specific exhaust this may be?

The rear bracket is bent a bit, and rubbing/denting the exhaust some. Also, the rear bracket has a rubber liner that is decaying and needs to be replaced. While part of me wants to research and find a new bracket/clamp, part of me wants to start fresh and get a new exhaust...maybe a Jardine since the kits can still be found NIB. But at the same time, if this exhaust is still in good shape or wanted I'd like to know what I actually have for resale (if I do upgrade).

I appreciate the help as I learn :)

Welcome to the forum!
Sorry, I have no ides what that exhaust is, but it's certainly not the factory Buell race exhaust. I would recommend looking around youtube for clips of the type of exhaust note you are looking for and go from there. I'll caution you against the Jardine for the Buells. They have been known to rattle apart pretty quickly on some bikes.

Some of the better exhausts are Hawk, Dean Adams (Keda), Drummer, and I have an interesting stainless Supertrapp (old skool:up:) that I like a lot on my STT. The XB's can sound ridiculously good with the right muffler.

I would suggest getting a manual from Buellmods.com to get used to the maintenance for this bike (it's minimal) and check out Buelltooth.com for lots of info on diagnosing or tuning the bike to match the pipe among other things.
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Thanks Cooter! I mainly leaned towards Jardine simply because I could find new in box kits (to start from scratch). I wasn't sure if I could send this out to Drummer since I had no idea what exhaust it was. I will look in to the others you mentioned. There isn't much on ebay right now either...they all look to be in worse shape than what I have with the exception of one (but it was missing all hardware). I actually ordered a buelltooth last night :) The previous owner mentioned "it has the buell racing ECM" but aside from that comment, not sure what else has been done. That's why I initially looked to see if this was the buell racing exhaust.

Oh, and I did get the 700 page printed service manual from the previous owner, so that's nice.
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Your exhaust looks to me like a Jardine that's been painted black.

Yea, it really does (both shape and pipe exit location). If you look closely at where the rear strap is crooked and pushing in to the exhaust you can kind of see what looks like paint rubbing off showing silver underneath. I may need to inspect that a bit more.
Welcome , Yes , I have never seen it before, that is a stumper, If Cooter cant name it for sure its a off brand pipe. Do you have any pics of the full bike for us ?

This is the only decent (full) pic I have for now. I have it somewhat in pieces now looking things over (mainly wiring from some hackjob LED work). Pretty sure some of the frame support was painted (after looking closely at it, along with the chipping on the heat guards). They also chopped the stock tail and painted over the grind areas (which is fine). I may need to take the frame off along with the other plastics for some sanding and repainting or hydrodipping...just to make it "new" again

From What I can see, Looks solid and a lot of Fun to work on and even ride. Thx :applause:
From What I can see, Looks solid and a lot of Fun to work on and even ride. Thx :applause:

For sure. Solid and some nice maintenance things are new (belt, rotar, wheel bearings, battery). Mostly some cosmetic things I am figuring out and part hunting for (one order already from New Castle has items out of stock, sigh). The muffler/exhaist is confusing the hell out of me though. It could end up being a small bracket/clamp to fix and good to go...or be a $500 items.

Trying to get it titled and registered today. Unfortunately needs some things done to it to pass VA inspection to ride.
I checked with the previous owner and "believes" this actually is a Jardine (installed by the owner before him)...and probably painted. What would you guys do? Take it off and see what happens trying to get the paint off...touch up the paint...install new? I am considering all of them. I guess first will be to see if I can find a replacement bracket from Jardine for the one that is bent and falling apart. If I repaint, should I strip down the old paint anyway? I am guessing if I do strip it down, its probably going to look like crap. Might repaint of high heat paint (either black or maybe red) and then high heat cleat coat...a lot of it
If you decide to keep the exhaust I have a spare bracket lying around... PM is you want it....
I would snag up that bracket/clamp from Gregoxb, support a fellow forum member!
OR if you'd rather spend twice as much money, Jardine does sell replacement parts, you'll have to call them though. At least thats what I had to do.
As long as the end caps aren't loose I would remove the pipe, polish the stainless bits, tape up shiny parts, scuff sand the black portion of the pipe, and paint that piece with some flat black charcoal grill paint! That's what I do with mine! Makes it look like a new pipe....
my bike is NOT showroom condition, nor will it ever be, so this works for me.
Thank you GregoXB..paid! :up: :D

For every "oh man, need to fix that" I am uncovering hidden treasures as well. Not to mention learning quickly from some patient folks on here as I browse through threads and ask questions, even if some of them are newbie-ish.

The end caps seem ok on the pipe. I used brake cleaner to clean up the horrible baffle since the previous owner removed it. I think I am leaning towards removing the can from the headers and at a minimum sand away a bit of paint to see how well it's on there. I may try some paint thinner/remover and see if that will bubble up the paint for easier removal. Given how much things are covered in soot, I may likely break the can down and re-pack it also...using it as a chance to also clean the individual pieces and repaint it (if necessary, but probably likely)
Try using lacquer thinner and a rag to get the paint off first, it's my favorite drug..lol. Also you look to be missing some rivets in the end cap but if you intend to rebuild you'll be replacing them anyway. Depot sells stainless steel rivets if you were unaware. Good luck and have fun.
Just keep an eye on the rivets after you replace. The stainless can has a habit of making the holes where the rivets go bigger so new rivets don't stay tight. I had an aluminum can and didn't have that problem but my buddy did an can blow apart. If any holes are bigger go the next size rivet up. You really shouldn't see the size difference in rivets if you are painting it again.
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I also used red high temp silicone on my race bike cans when i cut them down and re riveted it wound up being bulletproof and will not let the rivets "egg" the holes. Just run it around the lip of the end cap before you re install, rivet, and wipe off excess and your g2g.
Thanks for so many replies overnight, appreciate it. One reason I want to repack and strip the paint is to try and get the exhaust back to "new" as much as I can. I definitely planned to pay attention to the rivets, probably enlarging them a bit for larger sized rivets.

With some of the things I am finding I am pretty sure the exhaust was ignored for quite some time, took quite a bit of work to scrub the soot off just the baffle with a wire brush and brake cleaner. If I get this thing apart and the work doesnt seem fitting I may start new, but I'd prefer to give this a go. I just need to put it in line with a host of things to clean up such as lighting/electrical and brake line fluid first and foremost
That is definitely a Jardine Pipe and that second circular piece is the Db Killer insert. I had the Jardine prior to owning the Drummer SS and Dean Adams RT-XB1 and I have to say the build quality of the pipe is lacking. It is, however, the lightest of the three pipes. You will want to double check to see if your front mounting bracket has not broken the weld at the elbow. Mine broke there (very thin weld and poor design) and I've been told it is a common issue.
Will look for that too ocgreenmachine. I need to get the chin fairing off and take a closer look at everything, even if I dont break the exhaust off here in the next few days

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