I notice on my 09 Uly that when I shut the key off while the engine is running, and if the fan stays on:
Then If I turn the key to turn the ignition on, the fan turns off. Then when I turn the key off, the fan turns back on High for a few seconds and then on Low.
Not sure if they all work this way, but I can definitely hear the difference between the high and low speeds of the fan.
I very rarely hear the fan on high, unless I cycle the ignition like described above. The PO used Mobil1, so that is what I continued so I can't compare without using a synthetic. The only thing I do different than the PO is I constantly use a fuel additive every tank as well as a breather reroute. I notice a difference especially in the heat during rush hour traffic commuting to and from work everyday in Dallas Tx. Also recently did an ECM relocate and it has also changed the sound of the fan as well as seemed to increase the air flow under the seat. Not sure if it helps the engine, but helps keep the rider cooler which is definitely beneficial?