Fan logic question

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Nov 23, 2010
I was thinking of taking my bike to the dealer to get it reprogrammed with the new fan logic (mine is an 05 xb9r) but was wondering if I end up not liking it and want to go back to the old fan logic, would I be able to? If I save my stock eeprom on my computer using ecmspy, then have them flash it, can I simply load my stock eeprom and it'll go back to normal? Lastly, is there a way to alter fan settings in ecmspy? Just curious really...

The updated fan logic flash was for '08+ bikes. They have a different ECM so I don't think it'd work for an '05. As far as altering the temp. settings, I'm thinking there is an ECMspy setting but I can't be sure - on my work computer.
Ok someone told me or I read somewhere on a forum taht it could be done to the earlier bikes as well, but I don't know....

If you don't mind looking to see if you can alter the settings, and let me know that'd be great...!
The 08+ Buell bikes do have a Better cooling fan program. The Dealer is the only ones to have that upgrade UNLESS someone has A copy of it. I highly doubt that someone does its' a Digital Tech by Kent Moore Tooling system.
Only Harley Davidson gets the monthly Codes for upgrades!Unless you sell Harleys ect..(1)-You will need to go to the Dealer and see if the Newer Program can be up loaded into the ECM that you have.(2)- Make sure to have the Bike with you for the Information they will need .It's necessary, & I would have the front off the bike so they can get he ECM numbers off the Ecm, so as to make it faster to look up. Your Stock ECM can through ECM SPY be changed to come on at a different Temperature Setting.
However! Make sure to save all the programing first so you can return later to it if need be. The New fan program has been reflashed to some 06 and 07 XBs and 08+ Bikes Cause I was there when they did it for my Customers.
I have at times for warranty reasons had to pay for ECM upgrades so Our Customers get the full benefit and Warranty Coverage. It only takes an Hour or so to do that.Depending on the Tech.! The Other years of bikes being reflashed more than likely it can be done the Reflashing just puts in a newer program.
Due to them needing to work on those problems as they happen when servicing the bikes.
{YOU need} to call the H/D Warranty Dept. And ask one of the Techs on Staff what upgrades you can reflash to the 05 Model that you have. Make sure to have your ECM Number AND the VIN number before you call.414/343/4056 is the number to call.OR Go to Harley OR maybe you Figure out how to do the Temperature Settings MAKE sure you don't go more than 7/degrees one way or the other.Good Luck.*Jimi
Thanks for the info. How do you change the settings in ecmspy, I can't find it? And why only 7 degrees in either direction? That's basically no change.
7degrees is more than you think when in cooling terms.This way at night Depending on where you live the Engine dooesn't run too cold.Most would say that it needs more so it cools better.Maybe in the Desert or Daytime Riding in a Very Hot Zone.
With a Preprogramed ECM there is not a lot of changes that can be made Very Quickly since the Weather Changes constantly. Using the Spy Software takes time and For Fuel to burn Correctly you need the Cylinder Heads to come up to Temperature & stay at the temperature when riding on especially the Highway.
Seven Degrees is more than you think.You can get with Octopus and some others see if they can help you on changing some of those Settings.
I use the Harley Davidson Direct Link Race Software. I only use ECM Spy on the Older Buells Our Customers bring into the Shop & to help Quickly Diagnous problems. I don't Change the ECM program for warranty reasons. That is why I got the Dealer to ReFlash My 08 XB12R Bike with the Newer program while it was Available for free to new Buell Owners. I now have a Reflash Key for mine.*Jimi[smirk][cool]
Well if it was colder outside like at night then wouldn't the fan just not come on until the head was at temp? And if it was hot it would just come on sooner? I don't know, I'll take your word for it but just wanted to look at it. I'm in Florida and my bike runs HOT. I know there are other reasons it's hot, and the fan isn't a fix, but like I said I just wanted to look at it. I rode with a couple buells over the past two weeks, and my fan stays on longer than both of theirs every time. I need to replace the intake seals and am hopefully going to do that soon(then was looking online and now am thinking of doing a big bore kit and headwork....ugh $$$$).

I may just call the dealer anyway to see if they can do the reflash thing.
There Have been Many changes to the Cooling System to the XBs over the Years. The 2010 Fan Logic program has been the best so far.I have every upgrade that is Available for the XB12 Rs' that I ride. My fan still Runs plenty! With the STOCK ECM on the 08XB12 Bike it runs By Speed and Temperature.My 09 XB12R is a whole different Animal. Thats' fine by me. As a Tech I'd rather work on someone elses Machine!
Your Fuel maps & Epromm are also a condition that will make the Engine run a Couple of small Temperature degrees higher. If your Bikes Fan is working and running more than Others That's a plus for the REAR Cylinder. It's[possible] if your (Temperature sender) in the Rear top of Head area is old OR it's possible that it sticks some due to age or other Reasons.
The fan needs to run so untill it Quits working, I myself would be happy that it is cooling better.If your bike is JUST been turned off SAY you stop somewhere and it runs longer that your friends sitting there your bike will be much better off . You can't compare your Engine to someones elses just because they are Nearly the same. Most do work Closely Alike & parts on Many are the same with small changes.
BUT with so many Reflashing Maps that are unproven Trying to get it to go just that Little bit Faster. It's from MY Standpoint of over 30 years in the Family Business sometimes it works best for SPENDING less money with some Little Changes done(RSS etc), till you figure it out!
If it's cooling just ride it till you get the Chance to do work on it. My 08-XB12 R Street Bikes fan works a lot even up here in 35 degrees. I don't worry about it cause it keeps the Rear Cylinder cooler. As as far as the [Cold Issue] I'm talking about the REAR Cylinder the front gets plenty of air while moving. This is why the newer BIG V Twins from H/D when running hot turns off the Rear cylinder fuel and pumps air in it. It cools down and comes back on. They don't have fans unless its' been added we've put on many of those.Thats better than nothing! Ride Safe.*Jimi
Check with Lakeland HD. I've had pretty good luck with those guys. Orlando and orlando south haven't been worth crap when it comes to answering any questions, let alone Buell related. Lakeland's # is
863-802-1971. Also, I'll check with my instructor on monday
OK, so if i want my fan to run more on my 09 XB12R tell me what i need to do, keeping in mind i have already changed some values?