Fan will not turn of

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Well-known member
May 25, 2008
My fan on my xb12 will not shut off. As long as the battery is connected the fan will run. Anybody out have any input? I would really appreciate it.
It's staying on even when you're able to touch the rear cylinder with your hand? If so it may be a Bad rear cylinder temp. sensor. It's located in the center of the rear cylinder head.
curious if this cropped up after an EEPROM burn with ECMSpy? ive seen this happen when data is burned wholesale to an incompatible ECM.

not saying you did this, but just throwing it out there ;)
That is exactly what I did. I burned a race map to a stock ecm and ruined the eeprom on my ecm. I was on the phone all morning with Mike at Xopti and that is all we could come up with. We tried everthing he could think of to fix it with no luck. I'm very open to anyone's ideas if it could save me from buying a new ecm.:(