Fantasy Football

Buellxb Forum

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We could even do it without a buy-in..or like a 10 dollar buy in. that way people arent as apprehensive maybe?
Either one of those sounds good... I'm surprised more people aren't willing. Probably just scared to lose (insert reverse psychology)
in an effort to support the forum sponsors and help motivate a couple that might be on the fence, maybe the buy in which in turn would be the winners pay out would be required to go to a forum sponsor for one of their products?

-Winner gets the prize(total buy in $90)
-prize is new buell part/accessory
-part or accessory comes from buellxb forum sponsor
-forum sponsor gets a sale and advertisement
-depending on the part/accessory chosen, maybe the sponsor for that part offers a small discount? 5-10%, free shipping, or something for the plug
-winner offers a review & pics of the part/accessory once installed so the sponsor gets another plug and pics of their part/accessory on bike or rider.

i don't want sponsors to feel obligated to offer the discount, just a thought. but either way, winnings will offer a free or highly discounted item to the winner

now who wants to play!!!!!!
Whats the head count... 8? are we aiming for 10? I could get my brother to register on this site and join in probably.
I am in for sure. I am in 3 other leagues. @ on and 1 on What is the buy in again?
Yeah, let's shoot for 10 bucks. I have been without internet because I moved into a new place so I am in and out. Hopefully back up and running in a day or two. with Snyder's bro and buell4me, i think we would have 10..
We would have to set a draft time. Probably sometime during the last week of August.