Fed up with my buell

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2011
it never fails every damn day something goes wrong with this bike. it can sit there not ride it or touch it bam something wrong. i thinkin real hard on getting ride of this buell . not a good first bike experience.
What kinda issues you having? IMO this is the best sight to get these sorted out. I mean guys give stuff away for free to help out fellow buellers. We are some real enthusiasts
Stay with it brotha! Get inside some of these problems, use them as an opportunity to learn about your bike, why they're happening, how to fix them, and how to help prevent them in the future, etc.

I could see how this being your first bike along with the frustration, it would leave a bad taste in your mouth, but prioritize each issue and tackle them one at a time. That's all you can do!

Post the issues, there's a ton of folks on this forum who know these bikes inside and out and who are more tgan willing to help!

never knwo your problems could be some recalls your bike never recieved. dont give up friend, it may not seem like it right now but you have a great freaking bike. let us in on your problems with it, i screwed mine all up before i understood it but this site got me thru it and im in love with my baby.
I kinda agree with Chuckie... be honest: a Buell is not a bike to start with and taken in account that people with no technical background want to ride as well, I would not recommend a Buell... which BTW keeps for us the aftermarket parts and spares available
I kinda agree with Chuckie... be honest: a Buell is not a bike to start with and taken in account that people with no technical background want to ride as well, I would not recommend a Buell... which BTW keeps for us the aftermarket parts and spares available
Explain yourself, I've owned a lot of bikes and when you make this statement I'm curious as to why? Are you saying an R6 or ZX10 is easier to work on than an XB?
I dont thin hes saying that. I think hes saying that they require more on hand maintenance. I never once had to do anything but plugs and oil with my gs500f and i even dumped it a good few times.

The buell tho, you always see people having problems. Whats this rattle? Wont start. Engine light on. Fuel pump going out? etc. The 1125's have even more problems cause of the stators and such. I dont blame buell, i blame HD for ****** products. And just about every problem you see or hear about is the engine. If not its a short somewhere cause of bad wiring design rubbing on something.

I would agree with chuckie for the most part. The buells are really easy to work on yes, but youll be working on it more then your zx10. It all goes back to the HD roots. You always see harleys on the side of the road with something wrong.

Buells:Easy to work on, but requires alot of little maintenance.

Ricers: Hard to work on but require overall less maintenance.
Loki got my point... A Japs bike needs less care and (sorry to say but thats my experience) has less problems. My statement must be jugded under the fact that I am here in SEAsia and you can't trust the local mechanics. Even I did all work on the bikes I had before myselfe in Europe I had less trouble... and I took me 3 hrs on an fireblade to renew the haeders... on my XB almost 12 incl the rusty nuts... still love the XB and would never ever replace it with a Japs...
I dont thin hes saying that. I think hes saying that they require more on hand maintenance. I never once had to do anything but plugs and oil with my gs500f and i even dumped it a good few times.

The buell tho, you always see people having problems. Whats this rattle? Wont start. Engine light on. Fuel pump going out? etc. The 1125's have even more problems cause of the stators and such. I dont blame buell, i blame HD for ****** products. And just about every problem you see or hear about is the engine. If not its a short somewhere cause of bad wiring design rubbing on something.

I would agree with chuckie for the most part. The buells are really easy to work on yes, but youll be working on it more then your zx10. It all goes back to the HD roots. You always see harleys on the side of the road with something wrong.

Buells:Easy to work on, but requires alot of little maintenance.

Ricers: Hard to work on but require overall less maintenance.

I started riding Buell in 05, Before that all I ever had was Honda. CB350, CB750,CX500 CBR1000.
I have 15,000 on my 08 and 10,000 on my 05 and all I've done on either is change fluids and tires. Did the service as recommended in the owners manual. Never have had one issue. I'll have to disagree with these statements. My Buell's have been as reliable as my Hondas and a HELL of a lot more fun to ride.
agreed with Medicbpm...done the same with keeping up on maintenance with oil changes and tires. I have over 25k on my xb9s and still going strong. [confused]
I feal chuckies frustration this spring my bike was running like a turd. After the help of severval members and reading a few post i found i was running a size to cool plug. Its amazing how something simple can make your bike totaly different. Just ask around and forum members will help you get it figured out. When you get it dialed in they are so much fun
Now granted they don't run like a raped ape stock, but most issues I've ever heard with any bike, any name brand, is normally something thats been added to the bike thats not acting as expected or a maintenance issue thats been over looked.

Has there been issues since day #1?
Did you buy the bike used?
Yeah the bike is used. I'm his best friend and we went to pick the bike up and originally the guy said the bike needed nothing , yeah right. We have put on a new throttle housing, bars, return throttle cable, new plug wires, new shift shaft seal, fixed a short, new horn, misc. lost bolts replaced, new tip over switch as the old was missing the rubber grommets, taken the exhaust off and cleaned and reinstalled it due to a leaky joint,new iridium plugs, also a friend of ours remapped it to better suit the Jardine RT1 that came on it. It has been running ok till the other day he called me up and said that the bike was knocking. We so I went over to his place and it wasn't knocking but it was Idleing weird as if on one cylinder so I told him to bring it to my house the next day. Well the next day when he came to my place it was running fine and I put mechanics stethascope all over the engine and it sounded fine. this engine isn't going to blow anytime soon due to structural integrity. No noise from the bottom, top, or primary.
Only things I can think are bad mapping(fouled plug), O2 sensor, wire harness. Any thoughts?