Fed up with my buell

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Its all relative to the over all exp. Theres more questions asking for help on this forum then other forums ive been on, AKA honda forums.

Its an over all thing.
dont wanna jinx myself but i had a few problems with mine at first, got really frustrated a few times, the forum helped me through em for the most part, and ive had nothing but fun riding and showing off since i became better acquainted with the bike. sometimes you just gotta be patient with things until you get to know em
im back now lol. i was just so pissed and didnt want to talk bikes. first thing i love this buell forum, every1 so happy to jump in and help out. like my best friend crxtasy169 said the old boy said it needed nothing. but every time u turn around we see something wrong. and we r doing r best to put her back the way she is supposed to be. i guess u get that when u buy a used bike from a stupid ass that dont respect bikes. every time she acts up im always by myself and cant get her to do it when my bike tech. buddy is around. we found out the gauge cluster is not for that bike it off a xbr. because something is rattling up front that we cant figure out what it is. plus the exhaust is leaking again, guess time to rip off header. it all makes me pissed since i was waiting for ever for my best freind to move home, and my brother i never knew i had (both have bikes) so i culd go ride with them and every time we plan a trip its called off because my girl starts to act up. im really glad for all the input and comments. sorry u guys had to read this novel. thank all so very much.
Sounds like the bike was in a bad crash since other parts are on it and it was missing bolts etc etc... was the title clean?

That stinks you're having a bad experience on your first bike. I got my '05 xb12s with only 5k miles on it all stock. Was glad because that meant nobody had been wrenching around modifying things the wrong way.

Hope you get everything fix and good to go. IMO if its causing that much trouble try and sell and get a new one, one with low miles and as close to stock.. or from someone you can trust.
we are our worse enemies with our buells. as far as erik buell he is a chassis man fro the most part adn yep harley makes some no so good parts. adn yes spelling prolly does matter but how wood eye no lol.
I completely feel your frustration.
My '04 XB12R has been the Devil's Child ever since I bought it a couple years ago.
It's been apart more than I've actually ridden it.

Currently I have the bike completely torn down. And It's taking every ounce of my being to find the motivation to put it back together.
title was clean. and yes it was wrecked b4. my tech. buddy rode it on test drive and i have rode it a ton and it rides good. motor and tranny r fine. its all this stupid little **** i trying to get fixed.
y'all should own a panhead for a while......then come talk to me about having habitual issues.
it is a pain in the ass to get the bugs worked out, but once you do, you will be intimately familar with your bike. everytime you fix something, you learn a little bit more about your bike. try to be patient, and take it as it comes.
I feel yeah I've had to put a new belt, clutch pack, carrier hub, primary chain adjuster, new back tire, front blinkers, levers. I've put about 2grand into my bike but it's a labor of love.
tires dont count kidl620 hahaha. plus u made of monies, yur a truck driver muahahahahaha. i guess ill fix one thing at a time and see how it goes. it is hard to look out window and see her sitting their crying because i mad at her ;)
you hit it on the head myronman
y'all should own a panhead for a while......then come talk to me about having habitual issues
if chuckie had a old 60 pan like i did with out side oilers
he would more then likely have, kicked it over caught it on fire and danced around it like a crazy indian by now.
No idea lol chuckie told me he wanted different pegs so I posted the link haven't bought anything from them yet. But I'm sure someone on here has them.
great products and great service

I'm all for Buying from forum sponsors first, but 5-0 Dro didn't have gold at the time so I went to knight. Excellent quality and service.



When I had my Triumph Thruxton and surfed the Triumph boards it was all about making your bike cool. The Buell boards seem more focused on keeping the bike running. As someone said before on this thread that it’s a labor of love. That’s why I own a Buell and it has never let me down because I take care of it.