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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2008
Anyone heard from Fidosol? He hasn't posted in like 20 days and thats not like him.
Lefox went to Africa. I think fido is in the process of moving to germeny I believe
I will more than likely add a countdown later if I can find a way to either write/steal one in BBCode or convert one from HTML. But for now I will just say this.

I report to Hohenfels, Germany on 10 March 2009. I will be stationed there for 3 years.

Don't think he's gone to Germany yet, according to his 10/23 post anyway. Anyone got a phone # for him?
He may just be on an extended field problem then. Didn't someone address this problem saying we need the buddy system?
Last time he hadn't posted in a while, I noticed it and came up with the buddy system idea which turned into a fail. Maybe we should try it again.
In TRADOC it doesn't happen very often, but I'm going to go with the field problem theory. Sometimes they pop up out of nowhere :)
First and Foremost I would like to say I'm sorry for my extended absence, Second I would like to say thank you for everyone's concern.
Third, okay for the last few weeks I have been testing out a new conflict resolution theory with my wife in that some of the little things that we do to aggravate one another (unintentionally) we decided not to do when the other person isn't actively engaged in something. For me that means this forum, and for her it meant So for the last few weeks we have been sitting around the house naked watching movies and helping eachother change the babies diaper. Also, I have had a rather hectic work schedule lately as it is balls cold outside and everything seems to take a few hours longer than it normally would. Privates are slow, cold privates move in reverse. I have also been testing out a theory on how to properly conduct myself at work. I have found (for me) that it is better to start every day at work by causing some sort of controversy that I can not be punished for rather than let them spend all day looking for something to yell at me for. Case in point, 19K (Tankers) wear tanker boots, they have straps instead of laces, I am a 19D (Cavalry Scout) Scouts and Tankers are rivals in a way. I wear tanker boots because I am authorized to by AR 670-1 and it really upsets all of my NCO's except for the SGM, he's got my back. Furthermore, I had enrolled in a College course at Central Texas College at the end of Oct. The end of course date was Dec. 12, as of Dec. 3 I had not completed any assignments and had resigned myself to failure, my wife on the other hand had other ideas about my potential. So from Dec. 4 to Dec. 12 I spent all of my free time completing my assignments. I only read two chapters from the book and right now I am waiting for my last Essay Exam to tell me that I have a B. By the way, Cultural Anthropology is interesting and useful, but not very entertaining. I spent last night drinking my ass off and am now about to change a dirty diapey and feed the baby.


PS I don't have to punch out my NCO's (good idea though) they won't actually cross me after a few started having random issues getting to work in their brand new cars..
in short, i agree with Cru LOL

glad to see you around again Fido! though for how long, who will know
don't miss those days fido,my boy will be 20 and my girl is 7,they can dress and feed themselfs,i hope.hopefully things work out with the wifey,good to see you log back in.