I bought the parts myself which ran me about $20. This mod is not hard to do at all and it took me about half an hour. I worked as a mechanic for years but anyone with time and patience can do this. I did this same type of breather mod to my 2003 Harley. I'm a stickler for trying to keep everything looking like stock so some extra things I did was:
-Use the stock breather hose sleeve and cut it to fit. I singed the ends to keep them from fraying.
-Route the breather to near the left heel protector. I took the pics as soon as I got the breather to the area I wanted but it's now tucked high and away from the swingarm. At full compression, there is about 1 inch from the swingarm and the breather.
-The breather I bought was originally chrome on the ends, so I painted them flat black to match the rest of my bike. The blue/black filter combo matches great.
-The drain hose follows the existing drain hose that is behind the primary. I terminated the breather drain hose about an inch from the bottom of that existing line and plugged it.
-Zip tie everything to keep everything neat, tidy, and secure!!
Hope this helps!! Gotta love this site!!
Ride safe...