hey matter, i'm interested in your decals your making! they look awsome!!!! I Pm'ed you about a decal! my email is [email protected] if you didnt get it
these look really nice. I guess when I am not on bike parts buying punishment I will buy me a set (wife says I have to wait until i get home from Afghanistan and sell all my spare parts I am not going to use before I can buy any more parts for my bike)
RT, I have made a few test runs but haven't got the fit worked out to my liking yet. To all, best to e-mail me at [email protected] as I seem to forget to check my messages. Since there is no notification option or no way to not accept messages I get behind on them.
firebolt020283, send me your shipping info and I will send you a set, no charge. Thanks for serving...
Matter, That Is really cool. I pmed you with my address. and I would prefer black and the new feather style but for free I am not picky. And I sent you an email as I just read your post.
Thaloc, the lack of oxygen at the high altitude of Wenatchee has clouded your thinking... but the graphics probably do add some ponies, right?
jonnyblaze, that big-un exhaust worked pretty good overall and I had already remapped with ECM Spy so all I needed were a few adjustments. It had a nice broad power band and souned like no others. I sold that pipe and built a big chamber dual outlet pipe that has a cap on one outlet that allows it to be uncorked when you want to be louder than with a single. Has a cool hot rod look with the brushed stainless cap in place. They both worked out great really.
Got my decals today Matt...thanks dude. I'll put them on someday when the weather gets a lil warmer here in the Great White North. Working on a handle bar upgrade...which has been all consuming...then a tail chop..some signals and then the decals...gonna be lookin good.
I got my graphics yesterday, last two days have been cold, but it is supposed to be nice tomorrow so i plan on putting them on then.
I'll put pix up as soon as they are on. thanks matt