Finaly got my graphics (Matter decals)

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Matt- I don't know why, but the Dark gray on your bike seems to me to be the best color (since I also have the Trans Red color). You know, it's subtle, yet very noticeable-- Might just have to get a set of those!
Sure, white, off white, creme or even pink or just about any color you can think of is not a problem and the same price will apply to most.
The samples I posted are on a picture of a bike that I happened to have on file and are to just get general ideas. The ones on my own bike at the top of the thread are matte black and are very subtle but quite noticeable also. A solid dark or even light grey would be nice with any color also. I think with the translucents the colors should either be pretty dark if they are to be the same color as the plastics, or black or grey would go good with those also.

Thanks for the interest, Matt
well i already know i'm going to do pretty much everything in c/f so the same color as matter's would be perfect
I love what you've done! I'll be ordering some graphix from you soon. I hope. Can you get vinyl in metallic or pearl colors?

Oh and I thought I was the only person w/ bar-end mirrors hanging waaay out.
No problem on the metallic's, I can check on pearls.

Larry, more decals on the way!

Larry, glad you like your decals! Drop a picture here sometime of all three bikes, it would be nice to see how the different combo's look.

climberfreak, how did the white turn out?

Matt, got the stickers on but have to get picture, file id too large for I'll try and post soon.
I'm looking forward to seeing them! I usually resize my pictures with something simple like microsoft picture manager, and resize them to 50% of the original.
