firebolt headlight questions

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2011
Well I took apart my headlights to clean up the insides.. they were horrible.. I noticed the bulbs were 55w. Can i put 100 watt in. I have them but I don't want to blow fuses...also has anyone removed the metal half moon piece from the low side.. thanks
I know I saw a thread where someone removed that half moon.....he said it was better but others commented he was that's not helpful but that's all I got :)

So you actually took the lights apart? I was thinking of doing this with mine and spraying some sort of high heat reflective coating to replace the stock coating that has deteriorated on mine. My headlights are so dim, can't even see them hardly. Would you mind posting pics so I could see what I'd be looking at?

Sorry to get off topic...
There is 4 screws to remove the light and then 4 more to open them.. mine were very hazy and the insides were corroded and peeling badly.. as far as reflective paint goes Idk.. couldn't hurt thoughh
There is 4 screws to remove the light and then 4 more to open them.. mine were very hazy and the insides were corroded and peeling badly.. as far as reflective paint goes Idk.. couldn't hurt thoughh
Yea. That could possibly work.. i think this is a flaw by factory.. these lights get so damn hott it just cooks it right off
I was told the updated lights are no better, just replacements, so it will happen again.

There's got to be some high heat reflective spray paint that will hold up...
I was told the updated lights are no better, just replacements, so it will happen again.

There's got to be some high heat reflective spray paint that will hold up...
you can use silver engine paint. that ***** good up to like 1000 degrees. Its not incredibly shiny, but it is reflective. I put 55w HID bulbs in with the replacement headlamps and it has made a world of difference. I have an extra set of headlight lenses, high and low beam if someone wants to buy them and experiment on them.
^how much?

don't HID's have a different light pattern or some crap that makes them not reflect properly or something in that bowl?

I was thinking something like silver high heat paint as well. Should hold up, and can't be worse than how mine are currently...

Sorry to get so off topic OP lol
^how much?

don't HID's have a different light pattern or some crap that makes them not reflect properly or something in that bowl?

I was thinking something like silver high heat paint as well. Should hold up, and can't be worse than how mine are currently...

Sorry to get so off topic OP lol
i dunno like $40 shipped? i know they are $120 for them brand new. if i remember correctly the high beam is in good shape. and no the HID low beam is in the same pattern as the stock low beam just a **** ton brighter. the HID high beam is insanely brighter than the stock high beam (i rarely use my high beam unless im on a back country road).

^ stock low beam


^stock high beam


^ddm HID low beam


^ddm HID high beam
Not to threadjack but speaking of headlights... anybody ever been pulled over because a cop didn't realize that only one headlight on is normal for a Buell?
Not to threadjack but speaking of headlights... anybody ever been pulled over because a cop didn't realize that only one headlight on is normal for a Buell?
yes. i cant tell you how many **** tards argue with me that i have a headlight out when i pull into a bike night or the bar. my standard reply has become "no i dont"
Not to threadjack but speaking of headlights... anybody ever been pulled over because a cop didn't realize that only one headlight on is normal for a Buell?
yes. i cant tell you how many **** tards argue with me that i have a headlight out when i pull into a bike night or the bar. my standard reply has become "no i dont"

Yeah, I figured that would happen... I might look into trying to wire them to both be on...