firebolt headlight questions

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Thanks but I'm going to pass. I'll see if I can mess around with mine, worst case is I'll have to buy a new set of headlights, mine are useless now anyway. Thanks though.
I just replaced mine with the updated ones. It made a big difference. The originals were pretty weathered and the only thing left of the reflective material was a dull gray and black coating. I think they can be restored, but I really wanted new. I'm thinking of HIDs now - at least for the low beam - less heat, less current draw. If you decide to refinish the reflectors, post some pics.
If you are thinking HID a lot of people speak highly of ddm tuning products! That's what I have it was a very easy install! I also added a time delay to mine for start up.

Mine are 55w with 6k bulbs tey are very bright!
Thanks I'm going to stick with stock lights though. I just want to fix the reflectors. I actually got a tip from someone and think I have a plan, I'll be making a phone call tomorrow to see. I'll post back with what I do. If this plan doesn't work out I'll try some high heat reflective spray.
radiation, beware if you have a lightning. they dont have the projector's in them, so the light is proejcted out like a shot gun, rather than actually being directed forward (or at least thats what i've heard)

yet if you ride a firebolt like i do, then never mind! ;)