Firebolt Mirrors

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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2011
So, I've got some Rizoma Dynamics I pulled off my wrecked Lightning. Looking at the prices, it's seeming like a Firebolt will be it's replacement, but I'd prefer to re use my mirrors, as they were a gift, and hold some sentimental value. Rizoma does offer adapters to allow the mounting onto a fairing, but I'm unsure of the compatibility. I THOUGHT I read somewhere that R1 mirrors bolt onto the existing holes. Can anyone confirm?
Hmm.... don't know, but my brother has a torn down 04 r1 in my garage. I just might go find out if his mirrors fit my bolt this week end. If I remember...
Don't know bout the r1 but my pigspotters on the bolt r for a kawi I had to drill a hole. Other than that, perfect. I think it said Suzuki on the instruction too.

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