firebolt seat pin options

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Its actually $20 + $14 for shipping. WAYYY too much!

i made my own for 2 dollars ;) Its easy a threaded rod, 2 washers, 2 nuts, 2 pins (for the life of me i cant remember what there really called lol). All you do is thread the rod down tell it seats, put the nut/washer on to lock it down, put the seat on to mark the high, cut the rod, and drill out a whole in the rode for the pin to go through. Done deal ;)
yea... but whered you get the snazzy insulated twisaty tie!!! thats the coolest most expensive part im sure! lol, just kidding, way to DIY brother.. thanks for the pic...theyr corregated slide?body pins, they sellm at hobby stores too
lol those ties came from orielly auto parts, they were like 25 cents for 2 of them, they were sitting at the front counter.
No prob. Its so easy and cheap just trying to save some people some money :) No need to buy they pre made ones for $20+!!!
Having fumbled around, trying to retrieve my dropped T27 Torx head on a couple of occasions, I'm ready to go the seat pin route! One thing - how tight do these pin systems hold the seat down, compared with the original bolts. I'd have thought there would some movement, since you're relying on a small pin rather than a threaded bolt to hold it in place.
as tight as u want. If you want it super tight then just drill your hole as low as you can go and still get the seat on. They hold just fine my seat never moved around or anything like that.