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Jun 26, 2007
I have an 07 blast that needs new fork seals. While taking off the front fender, I broke the heads off of two of the bolts. I have easy-outs, and proceded to break one of those off in the fork leg as well. So now I'm in for $125 for seals and $100 fr machine shop to take out the broken studs, or I can get some used forks for about $120.

I am now wondering if the forks ever changed from 2000-2009? I assume they are all the same, but don't want to waste my $ if I can get an answer here first. Thanks.
Same all years.

Stop over tightening your bolts. The rule I use is to hand tighten, and once flush, maybe a quarter turn more. Never force a bolt.
$125 was for seals + labor. I took one look at that retention spring and walked away. And in my defense, I didn't tighten those bolts, I just bought the bike a few months ago. I'm positive the issue is that the bolt corroded and froze to the fork legs. The Blast uses even cheaper hardware than the XB's, it doesn't surprise me. A little anti-sieze will be applied in the future, as well as quality SS fasteners.
$125 was for seals + labor
Yeah, the seals themselves are only a couple bucks.

Anti-seize is not needed, especially if you're replacing with stainless parts.

This thing shakes like a mofo, you want your parts secure. I don't even anti-seize my sparkplug. just properly torque everything and you won't have issues.
Seems leaky fork seals are a continuing problem. Does anyone know a good source for some 'leakproof' seals for the Blast?
I can count, on one hand, the number of threads of people I've seen with leaky fork seals. And of those, only one or two needed rebuilt (film trick didn't work). Just replace with stock seals and quit doing stoppies.
Found a nice seal kit on ebay from 'all balls racing' for $25 which has a better dust seal than stock. So far so good