Free spirits belt tensioner failure.

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Bad Karma, I agree with Redrider et al, I feel that FS could at least have asked you the age of your failed tensioner, and offered you an upgraded one at a reduced price. IMHO as the proprieter of a company, I would certainly want to expedite any complaint since this could influence future sales, let alone the matter of goodwill. Dissapointing to say the least!
I will certainly be contacting them to establish when the upgrade was introduced, since mine was purchased in Jan 2012 (from Adrenalin Moto, England {who I will copy in and invite comments)
Redrider, will keep you posted.
breakage cases are less than 0.2%

thats not very much an no reason to worry about the product...

BAD KARMA just had some bad luck ...
Dingo, every failure is potentially fatal for those astride the machine when a part lets go.Trust me, I've been to coroners court far too many times in my police motorcycling career. Not seeking to pillory Free Spirits, just want assurance that I and others not got old stock, since they admit there is a fault, albeit rare.(of course their figures dont include any unreported failures!) There are enough concerns with riding motorcycles, given that most cagers seem oblivious to our existence,(my Stealth exhaust levels the playing field somewhat) and I just want to eliminate this added concern.
Bobby are right..but...this is a not nesscesary upgrade and if you change to FS you do it by your own will and risk...I can imagine that in some Countries not even a legal upgrade because not tested by Goverment..??!
I have one to on my Bike..and I dont like the idee that it can brake apart..
Buell Wheelbearings fail, Belts break, oil lines leaks and much more...

but I like my Bike and I dont care!!
if not done so far....
you can reduce spring tension by turning the nut (photo) clockwise as far as possible....these reduces also Belt tension and causes less stress on the hole tensioner..
try befor and after..!![up]
@ Bobby Buell
Yup that's what erks me the most. No condolences or any effort to correct a mistake that they confessed to. If they where smart they would have clicked the link to this thread (that I provided) and found that from not putting any effort into helping a fellow biker out they are getting a bad rep with not just me but several of you as well( AKA The Buell Community). I know they lost a few sales just from this thread. And would have recovered by doing something, anything other than just sayiing sorry you're SOL.

The new bracket from AR H&S came in monday evening, but looks identical to the one that broke. NOOOOO!!!!!
I guess I'm sending this one back. Return shipping to Eangland. Ugg!! This has turned out to be a pain in the arse.

I contacted Free Spirits again questioning how to identify the new bracket from the old style. I will post again when I hear back from them.

The pin is to keep the bracket together(Spring from falling out) when all the tension is removed. Like when you're holding it in your hand or doing
stopies ect.
Bad Karma, I agree. 0.2 percent is what they admit to, but how many have gone unreported? For if this very low figure is to be believed, then why did they allegedly modify it?
If this was some ebay sourced cheap chinese crap, I wouldn't be getting out of my pram, but this was an expensive bit of kit. At very least we should be offered the modified piece, which is what I will hold out for.
Looking at mine, since removed, I wonder why they didnt anchor the spring when modifying, thus alleviating the problem?
Please keep us updated, as I will update as and when my emails are answered.
That's a real shame. I really wanted to get one. And they look awesome. But this thread has turned me away from them. The factory tensioner works fine without me having to worry. Too bad an American company with good customer service doesn't make these as well. Then I'd probably reconsider ~cough 5-0 dro cough~
I'm thinking of getting my local machine shop to make an improved(thicker around failed pin) holding bracket for my FS tensioner ? Atleast it would last until 5.0 dro makes one.?.cough~
Stormn712, I would be up for that if Free Spirits doesn't step up to the plate.

To all; has anyone considered posting this thread on any other forums? (I dont know the protocol, for doing so. {would a moderator care to enlighten us} I am a member of the 'UK Buell Enthusiasts Forum' and would be happy to bring this regretable episode to their attention in the hope of getting resolution.(and I am sure I can't be the only 'Limey' who is concerned about this product?)
As I stated earlier, I have no wish to pillory Free Spirits, I seek only to ensure that I and others (and I am equally sure we are far in excess of "0.2%"!!) are not put at risk by utilising parts known to have failures due to design faults.

Off my soapbox and onto my bike :)
I'm thinking of getting my local machine shop to make an improved(thicker around failed pin) holding bracket for my FS tensioner ?  Atleast it would last until 5.0 dro makes one.?.cough~

waiting....waiting....waiting come on 5-0:D
problem here is, you never no if this Item has been installed correctly by the owner...everyone says "shure" but is this so??? have you mount the roller without any play by using the washers? have you double checked that the brackets are mounted 100% parallel, because its essential doing this....etc..
I dont know how many fails are product of wrong installation.....[confused] i think most...
Thanks for the vote of confidence folks! [up] IF we were to make one, we'd have to be sure that this wouldn't happen to our part. We would look to prototype it and put some significant street use to it. Based on the amount of miles that I put on my bike (which is unfortunately low :( ...GAX can vouch for that) it would be in development for the next five years straight! LOL)

I would be interested in taking a look at one of the ones that failed though if anyone would be interested in sending it my way. PM me if so...
it would be in development for the next five years straight!

50, due to the quality of your work on other stuff, I have NO problem using my 09Ss as a test mule.


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