Fuel Additives

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2012
Royse City Tx
Have not been on here too much because I have been busy riding my Uly, waahooo!!!
Any ways I have brought this up before about running SeaFoam, and then Lucas.
My son who used to ride a 900 Hurricane said I should try using TWC-3 grade 2 cycle oil, which is commonly known as Outboard 2 cycle oil and it is about $12 & change for a gallon at Wally world.

Well I took his advice and I have been running it for a couple of thousand miles and it has been pretty awesome. Has anybody tried this? I have been testing using 3 to 5 ozs per tank, Initially used the lesser amount in colder weather because I am paranoid of it causing harder starts, actually the starting has been the opposite and it starts and operates smoother so far in all conditions. Gas mileage has gone up as well as it seems to run cooler as I have not heard the fan kick in stop n go traffic since using it. So far no downside to running it, anyone else tried something similiar? Time will tell, but so far this has been a good thing.
you're mixing approx. 1 ounce of 2-stroke oil per gallon of gas and running it in your Uly? IMO i would never do this in a fuel-injected 4-stroke motor for a multitude of reasons......the best reason is that the manufacturers of motorcycles across-the-board recommend against it. i've always been of the opinion that the folks who designed and built the vehicles probably know a bit more about them than i do.
i've always been of the opinion that the folks who designed and built the vehicles probably know a bit more about them than i do.
But isn't the engine design new? LOL Just kidding.
Almost 40K and I have never added anything besides gas to my tank. Oh yeah I have had one clutch cable break.
[confused]..... Just my $0.02 ..... Why would you dirty up your gas you put in your bike?? ... And believe me, 2 stroke oil does just that ... 2 strokes NEED oil in the gas because it lubricates the bottom end of the motor as it passes through there on the way to be burned ... your 4 stroke needs no such lubrication ... all you could end up doing is basically fouling out your plugs if you mix too much in your gas ... and I just can't see a benefit to running something like this in your Uly ... or any four stroke for that matter ... [confused]
Yes, believe me, I agree with all the concerns, that is why I waited for 2K miles before I posted this.
My Son's Honda 900 Hurrican was carburated and an in-line 4, not a fuell injected V- Twin. Also I believe his was water cooled, not sure? He did run it for a couple of years with no problems at all.
I am not an expert on Fuels or Buels, but my son was convincing and I tried it. It is a specific grade of 2 Cycle oil TWC-3 for Outboard boat engines.
With all these differences I went with it anyways, the gains were immediate and noticed a difference in the idle and acceleration from idle was greatly improved first. The other gains have been awesome also, I really can't stop using it. The cost of a gal comes to a small cost per tank and the fuel savings and performance gains more than pay off this small cost.
My next oil change is due in 700 miles, it will have over 20K miles, I will check the plugs to see if there is any signs of fouling or build up. It has been awesome so far and after 2000 miles no bad side effects!!!
I've been using Marvel Mystery Oil, ~2oz in the gas tank every other fill up. Been doing this for ~15,000 miles, noticed all the benefits you have listed, plus my fuel pump is a lot quieter.

If it was easy to find gas without all the extra **** watering it down I wouldn't bother, but my bike really likes the little bit of oil added back into the gas.
Yes, I can barely hear the fuel pump now. Also the engine overall is a lot quieter, I don't know if it was coincidental but I adjusted my clutch because i can hear it more now. As well during acceleration I can hear the air whooshing through the air box more. The bike sounds and handles differently.