Getting xb12r in 14 hours

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2011
After years of trying, I'm finally getting an xb12r. About noon Saturday. 2006, red, 8,000 miles. Little rough but it can be fixed. What's the stickiest or best back tire I can get for it? I use to have an 1125r with battlax on it and it would not hold the road. I don't wanna deal with that anymore.
Anything that's available for a litre bike will fit on the XB. Having said that, the XB's pretty moderately-powered and a Battlax handle it fine.
Welcome to the Firebolt owner's family! [cool][up] You're gonna love it love it LOVE IT!!!

If stickiness alone is your priority, you probably just about can't go wrong with just about any of the soft compound rear tires.
Got the bike at 2pm. Cleaned and worked on it for 7 hours. Cleaned for 5. Worked for 2. Needs new back tire. It's really bad. Rear brake switch is broke at switch. So I'll need one of those. Needs brake pads. Besides that it seems ok. Ran fine. Has new battery. I'll probably get a new orange windshield for it. This one is scuffed alot.
i will be pulling a stock xb9sx tire off tues...some life left...square from the previous can have it for free if you wanna pick it up