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Jun 23, 2008
So just got back from my weekly ride with some local guys. Boy where to start. So I guess a little history is in order. Couple weeks ago I noticed to bolt holding the shifter peg was loose, so I tightened it down before I headed off to work. Well otw to work it wouldn't shift up from 2nd. N-1-2 fine but wont go up into 3rd. So I loosen it up a bit and it shifts just fine.

Tonight, we're about 1.5 hrs into the ride, and my shifter feels odd, so I look down and its EXTREMELY loose. I pull off, get my little tool pouch and tighten her down, but not too tight remembering what happened before. Another hr goes by of some really nice twisties. Coming hot into a 15mph corner I downshift, take the corner smooth shift up(did that shift feel spongy?)go to shift once more(where the **** is my shifter!) look down, the bolt is completely gone that holds the shifter peg on. And now the peg assembly is hanging.

So I stop the bike, walk back and forth from the bike to the corner 100yards back. Its nowhere to be seen. The guy behind me on an R6 said he seen it fly by his helmet(I sure am glad it didn't smack his visor) we all look for another 10mins with no luck. Luckily I stopped her in 2nd and got her home no problems.

So for another bolt tomorrow and figure how much tension that ****** bolt really needs.
It isn't the tension that is key rather some thread lock and a cotter pin or a backing nut.

Just make sure the bolt is snug.
Ill put some loctite on there when I replace it like I should have from the start.
Had mine fall of one day on the way to work. I was just gettin used to the bike bobbin and weavin through traffic, went to pass and my foot couldnt find a thing. I pulled off high way to check, big mistake, stuck in 4th now i had to get on the high way toasting my clutch. thread locker rules.
Yeah first one I had backed out and ended up snapping. Ever since I use a backing nut and loctite.
Loctite is one thing I made sure I did after I ripped apart my entire bike. I didnt want to be the one riding down the street and all of a sudden be sliding on just a seat with a trail of parts behind me.


Does anyone know the part# on that? Or the size of the bolt? I really wanna get that replaced today but im not sure if my local shop would carry it in stock.

Also if not you think its possible to get a temp replacement from a hardware store?

I had the same thing happen to me Thaloc, I was on a metric at 5pm on a Sunday in the middle of nowhere.

Luckily it was a small town and the gas station attendant was a nice guy. 20 minutes and a Presidential Solution later I was on my merry little way.

+1 on the locktite, use the red (supposedly permanent) stuff.

I don't think you would have trouble finding a bolt at a local hardware store, but if you lost the bushing that goes on the inside of the shift lever you may be up a creek. You may just want to replace the bushing anyways. That's supposed to allow you to tighten down the bolt quite a bit but still allow the shifter to move freely.
Where in the manual does it show the shifter pedal and assembly? Iv been searching for like 20 mins arrrrggghhh me matey!
It's not in the Service Manual. That stuff is out of an '03 Firebolt Parts Manual I got. I'll email it to when I get the chance you if you want to post up your address.