going home...SoCal baby!!!

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2011
look out SoCal! woohoo...less than 30 days before another Buell hits the road once again! well, that's after the wife and kids have their way with me:D lots to do before she's back on the road, cosmetics mainly then oil/primary changes, tire pressure checks, charged battery, and all the other preflight checks:D
I will not miss Saudi Arabia and the rest of the middle east...the nightmare is almost over:):):)
I live in Bakersfield and would love to make a trip to San Diego. I used to live on Coronado, then moved to PB. I have a few buddies that live in SD so i can stay there. But let me know when you get back into town. What is your rate?
I work with electro-static discharge packaging and SoCal is one of my territories. If any of you guys need something like that look me up! Glad to almost have you back stateside thrstrmech!
I live in Murrieta, 1/2 mile north from the 15/215 split...nice ride into San Diego, hopefully the HOV lanes have been completed through Escondido @ the 78, usually stop off at the El Norte parkway Shell station if she's running low before heading north or south:D

buell4me19... was in the Navy, AD3 and Army, 15B...same rate/MOS aircraft engine mechanic, stationed at North Island and Miramar. I'm an A&P mechanic doing contract work in Saudi for GE on F110's for their F15's, did work other contracts with L3 Vertex in Kuwait/Iraq, DS2 in Barstow and at Brown Field for Homeland Security/Customs Border Patrol, some general aviation at French Valley Airport in Murrieta...use to live a few blocks from SDSU near Woodstocks pizza, La Mesa on Spring St, El Cajon off Second and Madison, San Diego off University and 54th...
thanks Burton:D

we need to try and meet up sometime soon when everyone's back in town maybe before Turkey day?:D
just got my itinerary...arrival just before midnight on Halloween, damn it's gonna be a very long day, after the first leg of the flights begin at 2:10am, 3 stops, 2 long layovers, 3 airlines later:(
Awesome man. I used to live off Grand in PB. Lived by the ampitheater in Chula. I was stationed at NAS North Island also from 2003 to 2007. I was a ADAN/SAR Swimmer for HC/11/-HSC-21. Hoping one day to move back down there. Let me know man and maybe i can meet up with some of the other buellers on the way down then we can take a ride to superstition or lake el capitan.
5 days 'til wheels up...and itching to get into the garage and get her going! 1st thing on the list, a good cleaning to get the dust off:D ...afterwards get the maintenance done and add all the cosmetics stuff, then another cleaning before pics.

can't remember the name of the coffee shop in PB, where the entire store front parking was occupied by motorcycles, use to hang there with my '89 750 Kan-0-tuna with Yosh sport exhaust back when I thought "crotch rockets" were really cool, so now I ride a BUELL, the epitome of cool:D
Cafe Crema on Garnet,think it was across the street from a bank and Denny's is down the block on the right hand corner, dunno if it's still there, it's been more than 10 yrs since I've been down in that area, also remember a tattoo shop on the opposite corner, I think...
once you get there and experience SoCal's 99.9% riding weather, you'll never wanna leave:D:D:D just my take on it[cool]

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