ok yet another update...so I caught my 1st flight heading out of the country, 1st stop everything going well until check-in for the 2nd flight out, only to be told the flight is delayed by 3 hours...hence, here comes the snowball affect, I'd miss the next 2 flights home, ugh! so the airline gets flights straightened out, ok I can breath now, so headed for passport control to get my visa stamped with an exit stamp out of the country, here comes everything to a dead stop, I had overstayed the length of my visa by 8 days, yeap, you guessed it, big fine of 10,000 Saudi Riyals or about $2700 US bucks...was turned back to immigration and had to get my luggage back from the airline and find out where I needed to go next to get all this taken care of. No joy there. after many phone calls and a flight back to where I've been for the past year, now I have to wait 2 weeks before returning home cause of Haaj and the Saudi government has closed up shop for several days and at the rate which they get things done at, that's why the 2 week wait. On top of that initially my boss tells me that I'll have to pay the fine and the next 2 weeks will be unpaid, but that I could stay in the villa for free...ok, wait for it, wait for it...after I made some calls to the US Embassy and Consulate and Lawyer and the field rep we've been working for, my boss sends several emails and made phones calls to me over the issue, so to bring this to an end, the company is paying for everything and getting me home in 2 weeks after the government gets back to work and also getting paid for those 2 weeks as well, I'll be doing tool inventories and odd jobs 'til I leave.
FYI... to all, if you're contracted by a US company and working overseas, they are responsible for getting you to and from the country you're in and return you home. I never had issues like this with L3 Vertex while working in Kuwait...management was all over our passports and visa ensuring we never came close to overstaying the length of the visa, unlike now, there was no one keeping up with anything, but getting the job done at all cost!