going to try this...

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2011
Good luck! BUT....the longtime buellers say that additives are a no no in buells. I've never felt like I needed anything like that. Maybe seafoam, but that's it.
oh dont worry i did..... and lets just say it had water in it so umm had to spend another 10$ on 1qt of oil and redo my primary..... all day task
Lucas makes the best stuff for sure. I use that and the gas treatment in my truck. 225,xxx miles and still kicking STRONG. I've seen cars w/ 60k that run way worse.

Wouldn't use it in my bike though.... Possibly if it was going to sit for like a year like one said and then I would do a change. Ride like 20 miles and do another change b4 storage.

About the same hassle to put it in as it is to put in real oil.

About the same cost as putting in real oil.

Why put an additive into old oil when you could simply put in new oil?